aluNID®, poursuit son expansion en tant que sponsor en Formula Student

aluNID®, cette saison, continue de se frayer un chemin en tant que sponsor parmi les meilleures équipes européennes de la compétition mondiale du championnat Formula Student.

Cette année, il collabore avec deux nouvelles équipes: l’équipe PRz Racing de l’Université de Rzeszów en Pologne, et l’équipe UoP Racing de l’Université de Patras, en Grèce, à qui elle fournit son noyau en nid d’abeille en aluminium pour la conception et la construction de la voiture.

Dans ces compétitions, il est essentiel de garantir la sécurité du conducteur, mais aussi que la voiture soit suffisamment légère pour pouvoir prendre de la vitesse facilement. aluNID®est le matériau idéal pour la construction de ces véhicules. Il apporte de la légèreté, car l’aluminium avec lequel il est fabriqué pèse très peu, mais en même temps apporte de la rigidité puisque, étant configuré en panneau alvéolaire, il permet d’amortir les coups de manière exemplaire, en assumant toute la force de l’impact et en évitant que ce soit le conducteur qui subisse d’éventuelles blessures.

aluNID® a développé différentes tailles de cellules qui s’adaptent aux différentes parties du véhicule, c’est pourquoi les équipes de haute compétition comme le Rz Racing Team ou l’UoP Racing n’hésitent pas à miser sur la qualité et l’innovation.

aluNID®, sponsor officiel de Formula Student dans le monde.


ALUCOIL, dans son engagement en faveur de l’innovation et de l’amélioration constante, continue d’investir du temps et des efforts pour continuer d’avancer vers l’avenir. Cette nouvelle vidéo résume ce qu’est ALUCOIL aujourd’hui après 25 ans de passion, d’efforts et d’engagement.

Avec une image renouvelée, elle fait connaître toutes les informations sur ses produits et les marchés sur lesquels elle opère afin qu’il ne fasse aucun doute qu’ALUCOIL est un leader dans la fabrication de matériaux de haute technologie pour les secteurs du bâtiment, du transport et de l’industrie, offrant toujours des solutions innovantes, durables et de haute qualité.

ALUCOIL est présent dans le monde entier et propose des solutions personnalisées qui apportent une grande valeur ajoutée à ses clients à travers ses marques mondialement reconnues telles que: Larcore®, Larson® ou Termolac®, entre autres.

ALUCOIL, engagé dans une démarche d’amélioration constante, lance sa nouvelle vidéo d’entreprise.

Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico, will give the opening class of the 15×15 course of EDEM

The president of  ALIBERICO will be in charge of giving, for the sixth consecutive year, the inaugural class of the 15×15 course, which will start on Thursday 25th March at the facilities of the Marina de Empresas de Valencia, headquarters of the EDEM Foundation.

The 15X15 course began in 2006 and every year, for 15 consecutive Thursdays, brings together 15 top national and international entrepreneurs with a group of students made up of presidents, CEOs, Managing Directors and members of the management committee with a minimum of 15 years of experience in management.

Throughout this course, the students will have the opportunity to participate in master classes in which, thanks to the Chatham House Rules methodology (speaking behind closed doors without limitations or reservations), they will be able to learn first-hand, from these 15 prestigious businessmen, about their personal and professional experience at the head of their companies.

ALIBERICO, always committed to quality education and training (SDG4).

ALUCOIL dresses the new headquarters of INDITEX

Every building that is built with ALUCOIL‘s advanced materials is a great responsibility. ALUCOIL has been offering unique solutions for architecture for 25 years and each project that carries its metallic panels has always been a source of pride.

This time, larson® FR panels have been chosen to dress the facade of the building, which some call « the new MECA of Fashion », the new headquarters of INDITEX, in Arteixo (Galicia).

A 67,000m2 building, featuring the maximum efficiency and the latest technological advances, designed by Batlle i Roig. 

More than 20,000m2 of larson® FRs aluminium panels in a wide variety of sizes for the best materials optimisation. The Isabella White colour, developed specifically for thisto brighten occasion, contributes to give personality to the facade, but also to lighten the interior.

Once again, it has been proved that teamwork between architectural studios, contractors and manufacturers of architectural materials produces great results and completes in great projects.

ALUCOIL thanks Inditex, Batlle i Roig and Alumán for their trust.

ALUCOIL, creating advanced solutions adapted to every need, always committed to innovation (SDG9) and the creation of sustainable cities (SDG11).

aluNID®, nid d’abeille dans les systèmes de ventilation industriels avec blindage électromagnétique

Les armoires métalliques industrielles ont une multitude d’utilisations, l’une des plus courantes étant la protection des équipements électroniques, où le rayonnement électromagnétique et la nécessité de maintenir un flux d’air constant peuvent devenir un problème. Pour cette raison, il est nécessaire d’utiliser des systèmes de ventilation intégrés dans des armoires industrielles pour garantir la sécurité des équipements.

Le noyau aluNID® en nid d’abeille est idéal pour la conception de ces systèmes de ventilation car il permet une atténuation exceptionnelle du rayonnement électromagnétique.

Il a plusieurs tailles de cellules, 1/8 “étant la taille la plus utilisée. Plus la taille de la cellule est petite et plus l’épaisseur de la grille en nid d’abeille est grande, plus l’atténuation électromagnétique en tant que blindage est importante.

La référence aluNID® en blindage électromagnétique, pariant toujours sur l’innovation (ODD 9).

Alucoat® cs, plus qu’un simple aluminium laqué pour l’emballage

Alucoat® cs est le produit destiné à la fabrication d’emballages pour l’industrie alimentaire. Grâce à de nombreuses années de travail, de développement constant, de savoir-faire et d’innovation, ALUCOAT a adapté ses bobine d’aluminium laqué, grâce à la technologie la plus avancée, aux exigences d’un marché aussi exigeant que l’industrie alimentaire. Son objectif est d’offrir des produits et des services de haute qualité, en assurant une sécurité alimentaire maximale à tous ses clients.

Grâce à la grande expérience qu’elle a acquise avec ce produit, ALUCOAT, en plus de respecter les propriétés de l’aluminium laqué telles que la conservation des aliments en parfait état, la résistance à la chaleur et à la corrosion, ainsi qu’à l’eau bouillante, garantit les exigences suivantes :

  • La conformité aux réglementations alimentaires européennes, ainsi qu’à la norme américaine, la FDA, crée une solution plus qu’adaptée au contact alimentaire.
  • Propriétés antiadhésives. Revêtement antiadhésif qui garantit le démoulage facile de vos plats sans que les aliments n’y adhèrent.
  • Propriétés du BPA-Nia. Bisphénol A Non ajouté intentionnellement, respectant ainsi les dernières exigences alimentaires.
  • Excellentes propriétés de farce et adaptation à la forme de consommation finale.

ALUCOAT investit de grands efforts dans la recherche et le développement pour offrir à ses clients une amélioration des caractéristiques techniques du produit, en travaillant avec des alliages spéciaux qui réduisent l’épaisseur du matériau et augmentent ses performances, tout en maintenant les normes de qualité du produit.

Pouvant fournir sa bobine d’aluminium laqué dans une large gamme de couleurs et ainsi personnaliser le produit final, Alucoat® cs devient le produit vedette pour l’emballage alimentaire.

ALUCOAT, orientée vers le client, centrée sur le produit et toujours engagée dans l’innovation (ODD 9).

The world’s largest honeycomb panel: larcore® by Alucoil

ALUCOIL, manufacturer of advanced materials for architecture, transport and industry, manufactures in its continuous line the largest honeycomb panel in the world, intended, in this case, for manufacturing lightweight truck bodyworks.

ALUCOIL‘s facilities have been preparing for years to manufacture, manipulate and transform large panels to respond the growing demand of mass transport sector.

With ALUCOIL‘s honeycomb panels, lighter and more efficient constructions are achieved, where the assemblies require continuous pieces, increasingly larger and without joints for ceilings, walls or floors.

Thanks to their honeycomb core and aluminium skins, larcore® panels are light, rigid, resistant and ready to support heavy loads without adding weight. This helps mobility of the transports where they are installed.

larcore® 14.000mm, is the perfect panel for light bodyworks.

ALUCOIL, always committed to industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).

ALIBERICO; today and always supporting women

Today is International Women’s Day. Promoting gender equality is essential in all areas of a society, therefore, ALIBERICO today and always has developed an internal policy based on equal opportunities and an internal promotion policy based on own merits, regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion.

The success of gender equality in ALIBERICO is reflected in the fact that, despite belonging to an industrial sector with a majority presence of men, in ALIBERICO 52% of the management positions are headed by women, including managers of the largest factories with a more international presence.

In addition, ALIBERICO is a proud sponsor of Olympia Las Rozas Women’s Football Club. Together they defend messages and values where equality, effort, illusion and passion are the key to a prosperous and fair society, free of discriminations and inequalities.

On a day as important as today, ALIBERICO values the role of women in society and will continue working on a culture based on effort, without discrimination, fighting for a common goal: a better, more equal and fairer society.

ALIBERICO committed to gender equality (SDG 5).


Its subsidiary Alintra Systems will develop and manufacture in Miranda de Ebro (Burgos) a new generation of operating rooms for hospitals, which will be marketed under the Sanilux brand.

Madrid, February 26 – Aliberico, Spain’s leading private group and Europe’s leading family-owned manufacturer of semi-finished aluminium products, announces the acquisition of a 20% stake in the Navarre-based company Premo Sistemas Modulares, Spain’s leading manufacturer of high-quality bulkheads for office spaces and special applications, such as operating rooms.

As part of this operation, the Grupo Aliberico and Premo Sistemas Modulares have signed a strategic agreement whereby together with Alintra Systems, Aliberico’s subsidiary specializing in advanced aluminium materials, they will develop and manufacture a new generation of operating rooms for hospitals, which will be marketed under the Sanilux brand.

The new generation of operating rooms, characterized by providing a modular, flexible and industrialized solution to hospital centers, and susceptible to modification and expansion without building works or waste, will have as base material the larcore® honeycomb panel, manufactured by Aliberico through its subsidiary Alucoil.

As part of its Sanilux promotion and marketing strategy, a full-scale operating room will be assembled at the Alintra Systems factory, which will provide healthcare professionals and managers with a realistic experience of the performance of this new concept of surgical facility.

Most of the existing hospital facilities in Spain were built in the sixties and seventies of the last century, and will foreseeably deal with major interventions in the coming years in order to adapt their facilities to substantial changes in the way hospital medicine is practiced, as a result of the development of numerous technologies that favor mobility and flexibility.

Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico, stated in relation to this corporate operation: « The incorporation of Premo as a shareholder is part of the innovation and diversification strategy in which the Aliberico is immersed in order to position itself with advanced and technological products in sectors with great development potential and strong projection in foreign markets. development potential and strong projection in foreign markets. For Aliberico it is a great satisfaction to be part of a company like Premo, pioneer and leader in its sector worldwide, with which we share values and business vision ».

Miguel Zandío, CEO of Premo Sistemas Modulares, said: « Having Aliberico as a shareholder reinforces Premo’s value proposition to the market.  In addition to our extensive knowledge of modular systems and their application in complex environments, we will add Aliberico’s great capacity and experience in developing state-of-the-art, highly resistant, lightweight and versatile materials, as well as the support of an extensive commercial network with presence in the five continents ».

About Aliberico

Aliberico is the first Spanish private group and the first European family group to manufacture semi-processed aluminium products.

The Group currently comprises 35 companies and 17 factories located in 7 countries on 3 continents.  The company employs 1,200 workers and its products are sold in more than 80 countries on 5 continents.

Aliberico operates in the packaging, building, surface treatment, transportation, industry and renewable energy sectors with technologically advanced aluminium products and premium brands recognized as leaders worldwide.

About Premo Sistemas Modulares

Premo is a Navarre-based company dedicated to the design, development, manufacture and installation of vertical modular partitioning elements for interiors. Founded in 1965, and with a factory in Torres de Elorz, Navarra, Premo bases its proposal to the market on quality, design and flexibility to offer tailor-made services to its customers. Premo markets its products in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.


Adaptation and renovation are values that this year have become very important due to the situation we are living, so this 2021 we want to renew the image of our lids and provide new, more modern and creative colours that make our lid more attractive.

Take away, catering, take away pastries, ready meals in aluminium containers with the new design of ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING lids. Who buys repeats many times, that’s why customers always ask for their food to be always in Palco packaging.

The new lids will continue to protect your food wherever you go and comply with the FSC seal of quality, which indicates that they are made with resources from forests managed in a responsible and sustainable way with the environment. That is why at AFP we work with nature conservation in mind.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is committed to the environment and demonstrates it every day both with its factory with 0 CO2 emissions, as well as with the recycling cycle it performs with its aluminium.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is committed to innovation (SDG 9), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) and climate action (SDG 13).