LARSON® FR obtient un taux de résistance au feu remarquable

ALUCOIL, récemment, a réalisé avec succès l’essai au feu grandeur nature LEPIR 2* pour ses panneaux LARSON® FR.

Le test a été performé pour se conformer aux nouvelles exigences réglementaires qui préconisent un niveau plus élevé de sécurité incendie pour les revêtements de façade.

Le résultat du test a une nouvelle fois démontré la grande résistance au feu des panneaux LARSON® FR. En 2018, elle a également dépassé avec succès un des essais au feu grandeur nature les plus agressifs (selon la norme britannique BS 8414-1). Ce résultat consolide encore plus la position d’ALUCOIL comme un des fabricants de pointe au niveau mondial de panneaux en aluminium pour les façades architecturales.

* Rapport d’essai EFFECTIS : LEPIR 2 nº : EFR-20-LP-002536. 

ALUCOIL, engagé dans la qualité et l’innovation continues (ODD 9 et 11).

Caring for the environment, a commitment of all of us

Next Saturday, June 5, is World Environment Day, an important date, especially in these critical times the planet is going through, where society, business and government must reflect on the care of our environment and promote respect for it.

This requires an active participation and commitment on the part of all towards a common goal, sustainable development. Both smes and large companies are, probably, the most important agents because they are responsible for setting an example and knowing how to transmit among their workers the message and the appropriate values to achieve the goal that unites us all, the respect and protection of our planet.

ALIBERICO, since its beginnings, is very conscious and committed to the care of the Environment and sustainable development, proof of this is that all the factories that compose it: IBERFOIL, ALUCOIL, ALUCOAT, REDBOND, EUROCOLOR, ALINTRA SYSTEMS and ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, are subject to strict environmental policies that aim to Reduce the consumption of materials, waste and energy, Recycle all excess material to give it a new life, Reuse recycled material, continuously Review, Optimize and Implement improvements in its production processes to Reduce its carbon footprint, and Innovate and Develop new products that offer sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

This is possible, among other things, thanks to the material with which the ALIBERICO works, aluminium, a sustainable material by nature, which, thanks to its characteristics, is ideal for sustainable development and is self-sufficient in its circular economy, where everything is used and nothing is wasted. Moreover, at a very low cost because the use and recycling of aluminium represents an energy saving of 95%.

ALIBERICO is committed to the environment, sustainable development and a green future, investing all the necessary resources, transmitting to all its staff its philosophy of good work based on objectives and values and continually adapting to the changing world in which we live to ensure that the world that comes to us is better, greener, more respectful and more sustainable.

ALUCOAT s’engage pour votre sécurité alimentaire

ALUCOAT, leader dans le laquage de bobines d’aluminium entre 20 et 500 microns, a comme l’un de ses principaux objectifs d’assurer la sécurité maximale de tous ses produits, notamment ceux destinés au contact direct avec les aliments.

Un flan, un couvercle de yaourt, un bouchon de protection pour une bouteille de vin ou une capsule de café ne sont que quelques exemples de produits fabriqués avec de l’aluminium revêtu d’ALUCOAT. L’aluminium agit comme une barrière pour protéger le contenu à l’intérieur contre l’humidité, les odeurs ou d’autres agents extérieurs qui pourraient altérer sa composition.

L’entreprise effectue régulièrement des tests conformément aux règlements européens relatifs à la sécurité alimentaire tels que le règlement (CE) n° 1935/2004, le règlement (UE) n° 10/2011 ou le règlement (UE) n° 1907/2006, qui sont considérés comme les plus exigeants au niveau mondial. Les produits ALUCOAT sont également conformes aux exigences de la réglementation 21 CFR § 175.300 de la FDA américaine.

D’autre part, elle est inscrite au registre sanitaire alimentaire espagnol, elle dispose donc de l’autorisation pour la fabrication d’articles destinés à entrer en contact avec les aliments. Cela signifie que les installations, le processus de fabrication, les normes de qualité, l’emballage et l’étiquetage des produits ALUCOAT sont conformes à la réglementation.

De cette façon, et grâce au processus d’innovation et de développement dans lequel elle est plongée, elle garantit que l’aluminium laqué qui sort de ses installations est polyvalent, offre des solutions de qualité et, bien sûr, est sûr pour le contact avec les aliments.

ALUCOAT, sécurité à la disposition des clients. La santé et le bien-être pour tous et à la portée de tous (ODD 3).

aluNID®, l’innovation pour améliorer la qualité de vie

Avec l’âme aluNID® en nid d’abeille, des panneaux sont créés qui sont idéaux comme élément décoratif dans les intérieurs, avec une multitude d’utilisations allant des murs, cloisons, portes aux meubles design et même aux stands d’exposition.

Vous pouvez combiner de nombreuses finitions et obtenir des résultats spectaculaires, mais l’une des caractéristiques les plus uniques du noyau aluNID® en nid d’abeille est qu’il réduit le niveau de bruit à l’intérieur, améliore la qualité acoustique de la maison et fournit également une isolation thermique, ce qui implique des économies d’énergie significatives. .

De plus, grâce à la composition de l’âme en nid d’abeille, les panneaux sont très légers, rigides et faciles à assembler et grâce au matériau avec lequel aluNID® est fabriqué, c’est-à-dire l’aluminium, il résiste à des températures extrêmes de manière exemplaire, d’où que sont si résistants au feu et offrent une sécurité supplémentaire à la maison.

aluNID® est certifié par les normes de qualité les plus exigeantes au niveau européen, c’est un matériau sûr et fiable avec des performances et une durabilité élevées.

aluNID®, innovation, qualité et design personnalisé

The key to success in any digital transformation are the people

The Digital Enterprise Show is an event dedicated to digital business transformation. This space of convergence between companies, brands and leaders has taken place between May 18 and 20 in IFEMA (Madrid), where more than 300 experts have shared the keys to success related to Digital Transformation in their businesses.

During these days, in the Congress, several debates have taken place where the digital impact on companies has been analyzed and what the future holds in terms of digitization and sustainable growth.

The president of ALIBERICO, Clemente González Soler, gave an interesting conference regarding the keys to digital transformation, highlighting the value of people, who, as he pointed out, are « our most important asset ». Without people there is no transformation, « any transformation, whether digital or not, must start with people, they are the key to success ».

Under this premise, Clemente González Soler, explained the digital transformation processes that are being carried out in all the companies that are part of the group to increase competitiveness, be more productive and have a more sustainable growth.

ALIBERICO, committed to people, digital transformation and sustainability.

ALUCOIL a un nouveau profil sur Archdaily

Archdaily est, dans le monde de l’architecture, le blog-web le plus visité au monde. Fondé en mars 2008, il n’a cessé de croître tout au long de cette période, recevant environ 500 000 lecteurs chaque jour et, depuis 2016, il enregistre une moyenne mensuelle de 160 millions de pages vues.

Il s’agit d’un blog de référence, où les architectes, les urbanistes et les designers téléchargent et partagent leurs œuvres, mais vous pouvez également trouver des news, des produits, des événements, des interviews, des concours et des colonnes d’opinion. En outre, chaque année, il organise les prix «Bâtiment de l’année», où 60 000 architectes votent pour les projets les plus innovants, singuliers et durables.

ALUCOIL lance son profil avec ses panneaux de matériaux avancés pour le revêtement ou la rénovation de façades: larcore® et larson®. Dès à présent, vous pouvez également trouver toutes les informations d’une manière confortable et simple, en pouvant acceder au résultat des projets terminés.

Certaines des œuvres les plus spectaculaires au monde sont réalisées avec des panneaux ALUCOIL car leurs produits, en plus d’être une référence pour leur haute qualité, le sont parce qu’il n’y a ni forme ni texture qui puissent leur résister, pouvant ainsi choisir parmi des milliers de couleurs, car ALUCOIL possède la plus large gamme de couleurs et de finitions sur le marché, ce qui permet d’obtenir des résultats modernes, singuliers et uniques.

N’attendez plus! Et visitez le profil d’ ALUCOIL

The relevance of Recycling and the Circular Economy

In an increasingly populated world where there are fewer and fewer resources due to their overexploitation, it is essential to implement all necessary measures to try to make better use of natural resources. For this reason, recycling is of vital importance for the long-term sustainable development of our natural environment, giving us a better future.

Betting on recycling is synonymous with commitment to the environment, to the future and to people, because the process involves investing in industry and innovation, which translates into the creation of stable jobs and therefore contribute to economic growth and social wealth where we all benefit.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is a leader in the manufacture of semi-rigid aluminium containers for the food sector and has developed and implemented an internal system of total utilization of the surplus in the production process, that means, the factory generates « 0 waste ». This allows us to participate in the circular economy by having an integral process.

Aluminium is a noble metal that has a long-life cycle, it is one of the few 100% recyclable materials that does not lose any of its properties during the recycling process and this implies that it is a material that « feeds itself », that means, it has a perfect circular economy, because both the containers that have already been used and recycled, as well as the surplus material during the manufacturing process, are pressed, packaged and re-melted to give it a new application (SDG 8 and 13). Thanks to the pressing and baling process of surplus material, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING reduces the space occupied during transportation and pollutant gas emissions (SDGs 11 and 12).

This is one of the differential advantages of ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING that allows the company to take advantage of and reuse all the material. A gesture as simple as recycling the packaging of ready meals, desserts or frozen foods by taking them to the correct container, this responsibility extends the life of aluminium and improves the sustainability of the planet, creating a better future.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, an essential and strategic company for Spain, is committed to a more sustainable planet.

ALIBERICO committed to the Circular Economy: the time is now

Today, International Recycling Day, the event “Circular Economy: the time is now” took place at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, organized and chaired by Teresa Ribera, Vice President of the Government and Minister for Ecological Transition, who also presented the new Waste Law.

The day was divided into several round tables, with the participation of the most representative companies from different sectors, including Endesa, Coca Cola and ALIBERICO, as leaders in the manufacture of aluminium products.

Clemente González Soler, President of ALIBERICO, outlined the high properties of aluminium, infinitely recyclable, as a strategic material to boost the Circular Economy and promote prosperity and sustainability in Spain. In his speech, he highlighted the “Zero Waste” environmental policy implemented in ALIBERICO ‘s factories, as well as the importance of increasing the recyclability of aluminium to minimize the carbon footprint, reducing electricity consumption by up to 95% with the manufacture of secondary aluminium compared to primary aluminium. It also means a greater independence of supply of this material in Spain.

ALIBERICO, committed to the Spain 2030 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The president of Aliberico has been awarded with a prestigious award by the Community of Madrid

The award ‘Encomienda de la Orden del Dos de Mayo’, one of the highest decorations awarded by the Community of Madrid, has been granted this year to the president of ALIBERICO, Clemente González Soler, in recognition of his business career and his contribution to economic and social progress.

Together with Clemente González Soler, the singer Nacho Cano, the soprano Ainhoa Arteta, the neurobiologist Rafael Yuste, the president of the Royal Academy of History, Carmen Iglesias, and all the children of the region for their efforts during the pandemic, among others, have also been honoured.

The president of ALIBERICO has been recognised on many occasions by different institutions and the media, and is considered one of the most prestigious professionals in the aluminium sector worldwide.

The awards ceremony took place during the celebration of the Dos de Mayo festivities and was delivered by the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso in the courtyard of the Real Casa de Correos, headquarters of the Madrid Executive.


A commitment to sport and equality within its Sustainable Development Goals plan, creating a path towards a more prosperous and sustainable world.

Aliberico, the first Spanish and European private family group, manufacturer of aluminium semi-processed products, continues supporting women’s football in Spain with the renewal of its sponsorship, for two more seasons, to the Olympia Las Rozas Women’s Football Club, with which it has had a collaboration agreement since 2020.

The non-profit project was born in 2015 with the unique objective of promoting women’s sport, and particularly football, in all its categories and ages, from children to adults.

The agreement was signed this morning at the headquarters of Aliberico, between its president, Clemente González Soler, and the president of the Olympia Las Rozas Football Club, Sonia Soria Colino.

Aliberico and the Olympia Las Rozas Women’s Football Club share the vision of believing and trusting in people, always on equal terms and opportunities, and share an identical culture around objectives and values such as teamwork, effort, passion and enthusiasm to achieve new goals.

Since its foundation, CFF Olympia Las Rozas has achieved remarkable sporting success, placing several of its teams at the top of the various categories. At the moment, both its Juvenil Preferente and Senior A teams are at the top of the rankings.

Indeed, it has been attitudes such as the effort and determination of its players to give their best in every match, which have determined ALIBERICO‘s decision to continue supporting the Club.

During the contract renewal ceremony, Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico, said: « At Aliberico we are very proud to be part of the CFF Olympia Las Rozas family, to promote sport and to be able to help the players to achieve their dreams ».

Sonia Soria Colino, president of Olympia Las Rozas Football Club, said: « I am very proud to be able to renew the partnership for two more seasons with Aliberico, because in addition to sharing the values of sport, it shows that it is a modern and friendly company that truly believes in equal opportunities. It is a privilege to be able to count on a company that suffers with our defeats and enjoys our victories, a company that helps us and gives us stability. Society needs more entrepreneurs like Clemente ».