Publications par Marketing

IBERFOIL collaborates in the COSMOS FESTIVAL in support of the Down Syndrome Association of Huesca

IBERFOIL is participating as a collaborator in the COSMOS FESTIVAL, a new cultural charity event in support of Down syndrome, which will bring together various cultural activities in an inclusive and energetic atmosphere. As part of IBERFOIL’s commitment to ESG, support for causes that positively impact the community is key, such as this opportunity to promote inclusion. The Festival, jointly […]

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING supporting the most vulnerable people with a donation of 270,000 aluminium containers.

In an act that underscores its social commitment, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING has decided to actively contribute to the work of the Fundación CEOE by donating 270,533 aluminium food containers. The Fundación CEOE is an organization dedicated to social projects and programs aimed at promoting sustainable development and improving the quality of life for various groups, particularly the most vulnerable. In 2020, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING donated […]

ALUCOAT, certifié Zéro Déchet

Dans sa démarche d’amélioration continue vers des pratiques plus durables, ALUCOAT, spécialiste du revêtement aluminium de 20 à 500 microns et de la fabrication de nid d’abeille en aluminium, a obtenu la CERTIFICATION ZÉRO DÉCHET, renforçant ainsi sa contribution à l’Objectif de Développement Durable (ODD) numéro 12 : Consommation et Production Responsables. Cette certification atteste que plus […]

IBERFOIL achieves ISO 50001 Certification in Energy Management Efficiency

IBERFOIL, a specialist in advanced aluminium solutions, celebrates the achievement of ISO 50001 certification in Energy Management, reflecting its commitment to sustainable business practices. ISO 50001, a leading standard in management systems, has acknowledged IBERFOIL‘s efforts to assess energy consumption, analyze its usage, and enhance energy efficiency. The certification is the outcome of specific initiatives […]

ALIBERICO takes part in Madrid’s Corporate Run: Health and Teamwork

ALIBERICO showcased its commitment to health, well-being, and teamwork by participating in Madrid’s Corporate Run on Sunday December 17th. This event seamlessly blends sports with the business realm, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3: « Good Health and Well-being. » ALIBERICO‘s involvement in this run goes beyond mere competition, focusing on strengthening bonds among […]

RedBOND first European Aluminium Composite Manufacturer, CARBON NEUTRAL certified

The attainment of this certification signifies a milestone for the Aliberico Group and is the outcome of continuous efforts to reduce its environmental impact and take responsibility in the fight against climate change.   RedBOND Composites, an ALIBERICO Group company specialised in manufacturing aluminium composite panels for digital printing and visual communication, VISCOM, has become […]

ALUCOAT brille à la foire CPHI Worldwide, une vitrine mondiale pour l’industrie pharmaceutique

ALUCOAT, spécialisée dans le laquage de l’aluminium avec une épaisseur allant de 20 à 500 microns, a marqué sa présence lors de la prestigieuse foire internationale du secteur pharmaceutique, CPHI Worldwide, qui s’est tenue à la Fira Barcelona du 24 au 26 octobre derniers. Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, CPHI Worldwide est considérée comme la plus […]

In a bold move towards sustainable innovation, IBERFOIL is driving forward with Project Integra II: Pioneering Circular Economy in Aluminium.

In a new chapter of their commitment to sustainability, IBERFOIL, a leader in advanced aluminium solutions, takes a daring step with « Project Integra II: Implementation of circular economy in aluminium through the reuse of scrap waste. » This project, backed by the European Union through co-financing with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), reflects IBERFOIL’s vision […]

IBERFOIL revolutionizes the Aluminium Industry with the Implementation of Project Integra I: Innovative Multicameral Furnace for Circular Economy.

In a bold move towards the forefront of sustainability, IBERFOIL, a specialist in advanced aluminium solutions, announces a strategic investment in « Project Integra I: Implementation of a multicameral furnace to promote circular economy in the aluminium industry. » This project, distinguished by its innovative approach, promises to radically transform production processes and reinforce IBERFOIL‘s commitment to […]

IDALSA renews its Aragon Social Responsibility Seal for the year 2024

IDALSA, one of the largest manufacturers of ingots from recycled and cast aluminum, has once again obtained its Aragon Social Responsibility Seal (RSA) for the year 2024. This achievement highlights the company’s commitment to sustainability and its outstanding contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility in the Autonomous Community of Aragon. With this renewal, it again emphasizes its commitment […]