IBERFOIL revolutionizes the Aluminium Industry with the Implementation of Project Integra I: Innovative Multicameral Furnace for Circular Economy.

In a bold move towards the forefront of sustainability, IBERFOIL, a specialist in advanced aluminium solutions, announces a strategic investment in « Project Integra I: Implementation of a multicameral furnace to promote circular economy in the aluminium industry. » This project, distinguished by its innovative approach, promises to radically transform production processes and reinforce IBERFOIL‘s commitment to sustainable business practices.

This project, with file number EC-22.a-2023 and a grant of €193,149.39, aims to promote the Circular Economy in aluminium production. Thanks to this, the project has received financial support from the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Its emblem, « A way of making Europe », not only underscores the European Union’s commitment to sustainable initiatives but also recognizes the vision and efforts of IBERFOIL in the field of the Circular Economy.

The central and most prominent component of this significant investment is the introduction of a sophisticated multicameral furnace at the IBERFOIL ARAGÓN facilities. This revolutionary system for melting dirty aluminium scrap stands out for its ability to carry out the process without generating waste, thus avoiding the emission of polluting fumes.

Project Integra I represents a tangible commitment to innovation and sustainability. IBERFOIL is leading the way towards a cleaner and more efficient future in the aluminium industry, actively contributing to the vision of the European Regional Development Fund program « Building Europe from Aragon » through its commitment to the Circular Economy and responsible business practices.

At IBERFOIL, we continue to reaffirm our commitment to eco-efficiency in the industry.

IDALSA renews its Aragon Social Responsibility Seal for the year 2024

IDALSA, one of the largest manufacturers of ingots from recycled and cast aluminum, has once again obtained its Aragon Social Responsibility Seal (RSA) for the year 2024. This achievement highlights the company’s commitment to sustainability and its outstanding contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

With this renewal, it again emphasizes its commitment to good governance practices and its high positive impact on sustainability, recertifying as a socially responsible entity. The renewal process for this seal is the result of continuous efforts to meet rigorous evaluations and criteria established by the Government of Aragon, in collaboration with key entities such as CEOE Aragon, Cepyme Aragon, UGT Aragon, and CC.OO Aragon.

Corporate Social Responsibility, at its core, represents a set of commitments of various kinds, including economic, social, and environmental aspects, adopted by companies, organizations, and both public and private institutions. These commitments go beyond compliance with current legislation, contributing to social and economic progress within the framework of sustainable development, emphasizing the promotion of transparency, respect for employees, relationships with stakeholders, and a commitment to the environment.

Several factors have been key in its certification, such as the promotion of circular economy and responsible waste management, as well as the development of ethical policies with stakeholders. The company continues its steadfast commitment to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility and takes pride in its contribution to a more ethical, socially, and environmentally responsible world.

IDALSA, an example of commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.


In what is already shaping up to be an exceptional season, the youth female team Olympia Las Rozas Juvenil ‘A’ has showcased their skills on the field, achieving an impressive record in the Preferente Femenino Juvenil category. With the continuous support of their sponsor, ALIBERICO, who promotes sports and equality, the team is on its way to achieving great success in the competition.

After eight matchdays in the 2023-2024 season, the Juvenil ‘A’ team has amassed six victories, one draw, and only one defeat. The team has stood out for their flawless play and determination on the field, which has led them to secure a strong position in the standings.

One of the season’s highlights was their victory against Madrid CFF, an achievement that excited both players and fans alike. This triumph not only demonstrates the quality of the Olympia team but also marks a milestone in their competitive career.

ALIBERICO, an industrial and technological group that manufactures advanced aluminium solutions, takes pride in promoting sports and equality. Their support has provided the team with the necessary tools and resources to compete at the highest level and demostrate that women’s football deserves the same attention and recognition as men’s football.

The Juvenil ‘A’ team has proven to be a formidable team this season, and their fans eagerly await what the future holds for them. With ALIBERICO as their sponsor, this team will continue to be an example of how sports and equality can come together to achieve remarkable accomplishments in the world of women’s football.

ALIBERICO, committed to sports and equal opportunities.

ALIBERICO continues to support women’s football by renewing its sponsorship with Olympia Las Rozas WFC

In line with its Sustainability Plan and commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, ALIBERICO continues to promote sport and equality, renewing its sponsorship of the OLYMPIA LAS ROZAS WOMEN’S FOOTBALL CLUB for the fourth consecutive season.

ALIBERICO, an industrial and technological group that manufactures advanced aluminium solutions, is dedicated to caring for people and the environment and, within its organisation, promotes values such as diversity and equal opportunities and gender equality. In this regard, it should be noted that 52% of its management team is made up of women.

Since its foundation, in 2015, the OLYMPIA LAS ROZAS WFC has achieved important sporting success and several of its teams have been promoted to leagues such as Primera Nacional, like the Senior A or the Liga Preferente de Fútbol Femenino, like the Juvenil Preferente A. Other teams such as Senior B, Alevín B or Cadete B have been champions of their respective leagues this past season.

Both entities have been working together since 2020, sharing a vision of believing and trusting in people, participating in an common culture focused on objectives and values such as teamwork, enthusiasm, respect and commitment to achieve new goals.

Attitudes such as the effort and determination of its players to give their best in every match, have influenced ALIBERICO’s decision to continue supporting the Club.

ALIBERICO, supporting a more equal future for everyone.

Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico, appointed member of the SBEES Advisory Council in Madrid

This is a newly established body within this institution belonging to Foment del Treball, whose aim is to promote the debate of ideas and topics concerning the cities and territories of Spain.

Clemente González Soler, President of the Aliberico Group, has been appointed as a member of the Madrid Advisory Council of the Barcelona Society of Economic and Social Studies (SBEES), an organization affiliated with the employers’ association Foment del Treball Nacional.

The Madrid Advisory Council of the SBEES is a new body within this institution that aims to promote the debate of ideas and in-depth topics on the cities and territories of Spain.

This advisory body does not involve any remuneration.

Along with Clemente González Soler, other members of this body will include Jordi García Viña, lawyer and professor of Labor Law and Social Security; Beatriz Grande Pesquero, Director of Institutional Relations at EJASO ETL Global and former magistrate; Paco Hiraldo del Castillo, lawyer and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of La Razón; Paloma Martín Benito, President of Lideremos Madrid and co-founder and CEO of Hoop Carpool; Sonsoles Ónega Salcedo, journalist and writer; Victoria Plantalamor Contreras, counselor and CEO of Crimidesa and President of the Family Business Association of Madrid (ADEFAM); Iván Redondo Bacaicoa, President of Redondo & Asociados and former Director of the President’s Cabinet, and Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón Jiménez, Lawyer, former Minister, former President of the Community of Madrid, and former Mayor of Madrid.

The SBEES is led by Fèlix Riera Prado and also has a board of sponsors chaired by Ángel Simón Grimaldos, President of Aigües de Barcelona.

The SBEES will begin its journey on September 27th with an event entitled ‘The Future of Tourism in Spanish Cities‘, which will be moderated by the former minister, former president and former mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón. The event will feature the participation of the mayors of Madrid and Barcelona, as well as the President of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Carmen Planas, among others. Also participating will be the President of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, as well as the President of CEIM, Miguel Garrido, and of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva.

IDALSA obtains the Aragon Circular Seal

The Aragon Circular Seal is a public recognition for companies, local administrations and other entities, of their commitment to the Circular Economy, the performance of good practices and actions to improve their circularity, within the framework of an excellent, innovative and sustainable management.

IDALSA has recently been recognised by the Government of Aragon with the Aragon Circular Seal, which guarantees that the company complies with the standards specified by the Government of Aragon in its Order EPE/57/2023 of 23th January on Sustainability and Circular Economy, and highlights IDALSA’s industrial activity and its contribution to the transition towards the new circular economic model.

For the awarding of this seal, Aragon Government technicians evaluated IDALSA’s  degree of implementation of Circular Economy principles in its management, its impact throughout the value chain and its contribution to the achievement of a more sustainable, resource-efficient and competitive economy. In addition, IDALSA’s collaboration with automotive sector clients in defining new alloys for sustainable mobility, the origin of raw materials, waste management, and the current certifications related to sustainability and circularity within the company, have also been highlighted.

IDALSA, promoting the circular economy

ALUCOAT in its commitment to the SDGs, obtains ISO 45001 occupational health and safety

ISO standards (standards of the International Organization for Standardization) are a fundamental pillar on which sustainable development is based, which certify compliance with certain environmental standards, safety and energy efficiency among others. ISO certifications and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations have a direct relationship.

ALUCOAT constantly invests in these types of certifications that verify all the work and effort made within the company in order to maintain an outstanding sustainability management, environmental, social and governance. ALUCOAT has been renewing for many years ISO 14001: environmental sustainability, directly related to SDG 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water and 15. Life on land;  and ISO 50001: sustainable energy with a main objective of increasing Energy Management, directly related to SDG 7. Affordable clean energy, 12. Responsible production and consumption, and 13. Climate action, saving energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Within the ALUCOAT Sustainability Plan 2023-2025, there is a line of development based on its commitment to health and safety for all workers. Related to this matter, ALUCOAT has been audited in its management system, obtaining ISO 45001 certification, the new standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on Occupational health and safety. Since the most important asset of ALUCOAT are their People, ALUCOAT offers the most appropriate working conditions for the activity to be carried out in the safest possible environment.

ALUCOAT, working for the its team’s well-being.

ALUCOAT fait un don à la Confrérie de Notre-Dame de Linarejos

Du 27 mai au 4 juin, les traditionnelles Fêtes en l’honneur de la Vierge de Linarejos Couronnée, la Sainte Patronne de Linares, Jaén, ont eu lieu.

Au cours de ces jours, plusieurs événements ont eu lieu, notamment la traditionnelle Tombola de Poupées organisée par la Confrérie de Notre-Dame de Linarejos, dans le but de collecter des fonds pour l’entretien du Sanctuaire et pour aider les personnes en situation de vulnérabilité dans la ville.

Grâce à Patricio Lupiañez Cruz, Président de la Confrérie, ALUCOAT a fait un généreux don de plusieurs rouleaux d’aluminium qui ont été remis lors de la Tombola en tant que prix.

Par le biais de cette action, ALUCOAT  souligne l’importance de la collaboration entre le secteur des entreprises et les organisations caritatives pour avoir un impact positif sur la communauté. De plus, elle encourage d’autres entreprises à se joindre à la lutte contre l’inégalité et la pauvreté.

ALUCOAT , promouvant le bien-être de la société.

ALIBERICO women enjoying sports with ALIBERICO Women’s Football Tournament

On 25th May, the awaited ALIBERICO Women’s Football Tournament was held at the Navalcarbón Exhibition Centre in Las Rozas (Madrid), a day marked by excitement and fun through teamwork and sport.

Clemente González Soler, President of ALIBERICO, opened the day with the collaboration of Sonia Soria, former president of CFF Olympia Las Rozas. Lidia Vizcaíno and Elena Martínez, current coach and physical trainer of CFF Olympia Las Rozas, also participated in the event. Both women’s football professionals gave an interesting Master Class to all the players and shared important values, both for sport and for companies, such as commitment, discipline, respect and, of course, teamwork.

A total of 32 women players from 7 factories coming from different areas of Spain (Miranda de Ebro, Alicante, Zaragoza and Huesca) travelled to Madrid and were divided into 4 teams: « Con goles y a lo loco », « Las Divas del Balón », « Nottingham Prisa » and « Spartas de Risa », who won the competition.

The tournament featured 4 football matches, in which all women, although many had never played football before, put all their passion, enthusiasm and commitment to achieve the goal of victory, enjoying the sport with great teamwork. A lot of laughter, emotion, races with goals and penalties marked a unique day to highlight the relevance of equality and the work of women in ALIBERICO.

At the end of the tournament, all the attendees enjoyed a cocktail in which they created a very positive team atmosphere among all the ALIBERICO women.

ALIBERICO, supporting women and sports.

Le recyclage de l’aluminium est à l’origine de la transition vers une industrie durable

Le recyclage dans le secteur industriel joue un rôle clé dans la protection de l’environnement, la conservation des ressources naturelles et la réduction des gaz polluants. Les entreprises industrielles peuvent devenir des acteurs du changement en adoptant des pratiques de recyclage efficaces.

ALUCOAT, spécialiste du revêtement de bobines d’aluminium, est soumis à une politique de gestion environnementale stricte basée sur les 3R : réduire, réutiliser et recycler toutes les ressources et tous les déchets générés au cours du processus de production. La quasi-totalité (plus de 90 %) du peu de déchets générés est envoyée à des gestionnaires de déchets spécialisés en vue de leur traitement et de leur recyclage ultérieur.

L’entreprise a développé une politique axée sur la promotion de l’aluminium vert et collabore avec ses fournisseurs pour que la majeure partie de l’aluminium qu’elle utilise soit de l’aluminium recyclé. L’un des avantages de l’utilisation de l’aluminium recyclé est l’économie d’énergie qu’il permet de réaliser. La production d’un kilo d’aluminium recyclé nécessite 95 % d’énergie en moins que la production d’un kilo d’aluminium primaire. Cela signifie également une réduction très importante des émissions de CO2 dans l’atmosphère, avec une économie d’environ 9 tonnes de CO2 pour chaque tonne d’aluminium recyclé. En outre, l’aluminium peut être recyclé un nombre infini de fois, sans perdre aucune de ses propriétés au cours du processus, ce qui favorise l’économie circulaire.

ALUCOAT, promouvoir le recyclage comme un engagement pour l’environnement.