Clemente González Soler inaugurates the 15×15 EDEM course

On February 2nd Clemente González Soler inaugurated the 15×15 training course at the EDEM Business School – a program with over 12 years of experience which is considered as a national reference forbusiness managers and executives. The President of Alibérico spoke of his experience, values, motivation and effort during more than 4 hours of his Masterclass.

Clemente González Solerpresented to the students what are the keys to business success and related many important experiences that have occurred since his entrepreneurship journey began. The 15×15 students thanked and appreciated for their part: “The keys to success from his personal experience told with passion and generosity; The specialization, differentiation and attitude of continuous improvement; Passion for work and your company; Motivational ability. ” The course will receive during its 15 day running the most influential and recognized businessmen of Spain, among them: José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, President of Bankia; Adolfo Utor, President of Baleària; Risto Mejide, Owner and Creative Director of AfterShare.Tv; And Juan Roig, President of Mercadona. The masterclass of Clemente González Soler concluded with a round of questions during lunch.

IBERFOIL, awarded for its Corporate Excellence

On 16th November, IBERFOIL received an award for ‘Business Excellence’ presented by the Government of Aragon and received by Aurora Rodríguez, the General Manager. The award was given during the presentation of the 2016 Excellence Awards, hosted by Javier Lambán, President of Aragon.

The ceremony took place at the Congress Center of Zaragoza and gave recognition to companies that have participated the most in the development of Aragon. Among them IBERFOIL, thanks to a strong investment in machinery and training of new professionals in the area.

In addition to IBERFOIL, other companies such as Mann Hummel and Itesal were also honored in the category for the 2016 Business Excellence Awards, while General Motors received the 20th Anniversary Honor Award for Business Excellence.

The ceremony was closed by Marta Gastón, Councilor of Economy, Industry and Employment of Aragon who visited the facilities of IBERFOIL in August 2015 coinciding with the company’s first anniversary.

Aluminum packaging for a healthy lifestyle

With our pace of life becoming more and more hectic it is more difficult to eat a healthy and balanced diet instead; we eat quickly and on the run… With aluminum containers from Alibérico Food Packaging, taking care of ourselves is made easier! Pack a meal on the go using containers for salads, leftovers, and other prepared foods ready to heat up in the microwave.

And for dessert, package pre- cut fruits! Alibérico Food Packaging containers are BPA free and 100% recyclable – making them friendly to the environment. Have no excuses!

Entrust Alibérico Food Packaging to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle!

President of Alibérico, in Burgos Innova Channel

The President of Alibérico Group, Clemente González Soler, was on Canal Innova Burgos this past Thursday, September 29th, participating in a platform created by Norte Group that transmits to the public success stories regarding the culture of Innovation.

Clemente González Soler was part of the ‘Table of Experts’, moderated by journalist and television presenter Pedro Piqueras, which also brought together José Rolando Álvarez, president of North Group; Verónica Pascual, CEO of ASTI, and Álvaro Bernad, director of Disruptive Innovation Quality Pascual. The President of Alibérico alluded to innovation as an attitude that should involve all employees at the Company.

During the conversation he stressed the capacity of this asset in becoming a differentiating factor that attracts new clients and helps retain current ones. He encouraged government to continue investing in science and research -“the capital letter I of the system,” he said, but without forgetting about “the lower case letter i” of , which fully affects the competitiveness of the companies. And remember, said Gonzalez, that “more than the optimization is the innovation in processes, services and products” which generates value and wealth to companies and society.

aluNID ®, sponsor of the E-TECH RACING team for the Formula Student Spain 2016

aluNID ® has sponsored the team E-TECH RACING for the Formula Student Spain 2016. For this year aluNID ® designed an expanded aluminium honeycomb which works as the impact attenuator in the nose of the vehicle. The piece has been subjected to numerous dynamic and static tests that check the reliability and quality of aluNID ®.

E -Tech Racing has presented its new car with the name of EV-A at the VIP Village Rollout of the Motordays Barcelona where it received the Audience Award for Elegance. The Formula Student Spain 2016 took place August 25th through the 28th at the Circuit of Catalunya – Montmeló, an event that closes the European tour of the Formula Student after passing through Britain, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary.

September, larcore® month at Germany

Once again, ALUCOIL sales and technical teams will attend the 2 most important transport trade shows in Europe to introduce aluminium honeycomb panellarcore ® solutions for this sector. On one side, from 6th to 9th of September, SMM, a leading maritime industry trade show, will take place at Hamburg.

ALUCOIL will have its own booth on Hall B5 Stand 104, in an appointment that gathers together more than 2.100 exhibitors from 60 countries. ALUCOIL will provide the most efficient solutions for this industry developed with larcore ®.

On the other side, Innotrans is a rail sector trade show that will take place from September 20th to September 23rd at Berlin. ALUCOIL will be present on its booth 318 placed at Hall 5.1. More than 2.700 exhibitors will participate on this key event for rail sector.

Floors, ceilings, ramps… come and visit ALUCOIL stands on these 2 fairs and get to know what possibilities larcore ® can offer for transport sector.

Entrepreneurs who leave their mark

KPMG presented this past July 19th the latest edition of the book “Those who leave their mark II“, which highlights the vital and successful business careers of 20 personalities from family owned businesses. As is noted in the prologue of the book, out of one million family businesses in existence in Spain, twenty names are listed that represent the faithful essence of family businesses, their values, and their experiences on their path success.

The book is based on interviews made by the journalist Jesús Martínez de Rioja with 20 business leaders that, if grouped together into a single business group, would be a conglomerate of over 60,000 employees and revenue of 10,000 million euros. Their twenty stories provide insights and candid opinions of the leaders interspersed with anecdotes of interest and above all, life lessons and attitudes. They all hold in common values such as determination, tenacity, effort, the desire to excel, and a passion for business. Clemente González Soler, president of Alibérico, one of the protagonists of the book “Those who leave their mark II”, was in attendance at the presentation ceremony held at the new KPMG headquarter in Madrid, located in the Crystal Tower.

The president of Alibérico told the audience some of the keys which in his opinion, are present in successful business projects: “In all cases, I have always found the same values: to have a long-term vision with the capacity to generate changes, to be able to lead and motivate people, to have high doses of courage and willingness to take risks, and work… hard work” said Clemente González Soler.

Apart from the successful example of Alibérico, quoted in the book’s pages are testimonies from the Antolín Group, Barceló Group, Grupo Fuertes, J. García Carrión, GAES, OGOZA, ACESUR, La Farga Group Juste, Viña Tondonia, Neinver Group, Torrecid, Cementos Molins, Pastelerías Mallorca, Cafento, Sener, Pikolin, GADISA and TOUS.

linfoil ® protects your food as fresh packaged

The R&D department of ALUCOAT works constantly in alternative materials that provide the adequate protection and the most resistance to our customers’ products. In this case those in the food sector. linfoil ® coated aluminum coils of ALUCOAT specially designed for the production of lids used in yogurts, desserts, jams, butter, among others.

This product offers solutions in coated aluminum ideal for every customer and guarantees the freshness and conservation of foods’ properties.

Thanks to its excellent properties, linfoil ® allows to be heat sealed to a wide variety of materials (plastics such as PET, PS, PP and PVC, glass, among others), having a good printability and high resistance against external agents (light, moisture, among others).

Moreover, for those foods whose composition requires special attributes, ALUCOAT has a special product with anticorrosive properties and resistance to the most common sterilization process in the food industry.

Clemente González Soler, honored by Royal Senior Management Forum

Clemente González Soler, president of Alibérico Group, has been awarded with the Golden Master Award, given by the Royal Senior Management Forum, an association of more than 1.000 members from various sectors of civil society and numerous Latin American countries. Among others receiving awards were Juan López Belmonte, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid; Carlos Osorio, archbishop of Madrid, and Ramon Rodriguez Arribas, vice president emeritus of the Constitutional Court. The Golden Master Institutional awards went to the Cultural Center of the Armies, celebrating its 100th Anniversary; El Corte Inglés, celebrating its 75th year of business, and the Royal Theatre, which just turned 200 years old. The Golden Master Award is symbolized by a statue entitled “Metamorphosis of Effort”, a work of the sculptor Santiago de Santiago.

IBERFOIL in the middle of its expansion project

Since last December, IBERFOIL has been working towards an ambitious expansion project with the installation of a new slitting line and a new laminator capable of a 1.700 meter width. The plant in Sabiñánigo, which is dedicated to the manufacture of high quality aluminum foil, is going to finish this year with production of nearly 14,000 tons. This would show an increase of 50% when compared to last year – 2015.

Nowadays, the plant has a total capacity of 20,000 tons of aluminum foil and is the only such in Spain with these types of products and market solutions. The new expansion will mean an additional 40,000 tons of capacity added to its current production limit and will increase thickness options for the range of standard products. At the moment, IBERFOIL is immersed totally in both the construction of the new slitting line and the new laminator that will be responsible for the additional capacity.

The new machinery will start its working tests in March 2017, an important challenge for the technical department of IBERFOIL and for the engineering company RDI from the FAGOR group, which is collaborating and working on all technical aspects of the project.