aluNID® to become part of Hyperloop Pod Competition

aluNID® has become to a collaboration agreement with Valencia’s Polytechnic University to build an Hyperloop,that is currently being developed in USA. It is a mode of passenger and freight transportation that would propel a pod-like vehicle through a reduced-pressure tube that could potentially exceed airliner speeds. This high speed transport offers protection from weather conditions, safe from collisions, low consumption and  accumulation of energy. For example, Hyperloop may connect Madrid with Tangier in only 42 min, reaching a speed of 1200 km/h. It’s a new and unique way of transportation.

Valencia’s University has been one of the 300 classified all over the world to take part of Hyperloop’s Pod Competition by SpaceX, where they are manufacturing a prototype that will be exhibited by the end of August in California, with the American Purdue University. The high qualities of our aluminium honeycomb core, its stiffness and lightness makes aluNID perfect for the manufacture of the first Spanish Hyperloop’s chassis, that will be shown in California.

IBERFOIL ARAGÓN receives the second aluminum coil oven

IBERFOIL Aragón has received in its factory in Sabiñánigo (Huesca) the second annealing furnace for aluminum coils which is part of the new production line that the company is building and which will allow to triple its current manufacturing capacity.

As happened with the twin piece, which arrived at the factory last May 11th , it is an element of 10 meters long, 4.70 meters wide and 4 meters high, with the capacity to hold up to four coils of Aluminum with a total maximum weight of 46 tons. Its extraordinary size, 30% higher than any other oven with similar characteristics, make it the largest in Spain for the aluminum rolling process.

Its design and construction has been carried out by the Madrid company HEA, specialized in the design and production of high technology components for the aeronautical industry, and its manufacture has been materialized in Zaragoza by the company Rapa Caldedería and Montajes.

Its transfer to Sabiñánigo has again required the use of a special vehicle of 26 meters long, whose path has been supervised and coordinated by the Traffic Police.

The entrance of the convoy to the factory of IBERFOIL was realized by the Avenue of Huesca from the Cabañera. Once inside the enclosure, the furnace was unloaded in the ship 6 with the help of a 40 ton crane and the crane bridge enabled last March in this space.

In the transfer and unloading operations specialized personnel of HEA, RDI and Archanda participated, under the supervision of the technical staff of IBERFOIL.

Once the process of expansion of the facilities is completed, IBERFOIL will triple its total production capacity, which currently stands at 20,000 tons per year. The company plans to add another 40,000 tons to its current capacity, reaching a total of 60,000 tons per year of finished product.

Mercedes, thanks for these 40 years

On June 5, we had the opportunity to celebrate with Mercedes Gómez, on the occasion of her retirement, a 40 year professional career in what is now ALIBERICO PACKAGING.

Mercedes began to work in the factory of PALCO and during these last years has been developing its work in the Financial Area of ALIBERICO PACKAGING. We thank you for your dedication, effort and work. Mercedes moves on to a new stage in her life.

After 40 years, it’s time to take a well-deserved vacation!

It is an honour and we are proud that our people can develop a long professional career and can retire with Us.
Mercedes, on behalf of the whole team, we thank you for your work and your contribution during all these years!

Belén Martín, awarded with the Best Export and Internationalization Director Prize

The last 25th of May, Belén Martín, General Director of ALUCOIL, collected in Valladolid the Award to the Best Export and Internationalization Manager. This prize, given by the magazine Castilla y León Económica, appreciates the important work that Belén Martín and the rest of workers do, having placed ALUCOIL as a model company, in a global level, producing advanced materials for the building, transport and industry field.

In 2010 ALUCOIL designed and started an ambitious program of Internationalization, opening ALUCOIL Marocin Casablanca (Morocco), ALUCOIL North America in South Carolina (EEUU) and in 2014 started up ALUCOIL Australia, in Melboune (Australia), being in 4 continents with its own fabrication. In addition and since the beginning, ALUCOIL always has maintained a strong vision for exportation and at the present its products are traded in more than 70 countries all over the world. The work and effort of Belén Martín and the rest of the team, has supposed an essential base for all this process of internationalization and to count at the present with a high level of exportations.

In the fourth edition has been also awarded Carlos Tejedor (Queserías Entrepinares) in the category of Empresa de Castilla y León; María Berzosa (Grupo Europac) in the Multinational ubicated in Castilla y León; Javier Cid (Alentia) in Financial; Fernando Villalba (Protos) in Commercial and Marketing; Sonia Fajardo (Skretting España) in Human Resources; José Luis Barredo (Crystal Pharma) in I+D+I; Ángel Calleja (Bodega Cuatro Rayas) in Quality; and Pilar López (Microsoft Ibérica) in Executive of Castilla y León with success abroad.

The award ceremony of the IV Award Castilla y León Económica to the Best Director, celebrated in the Auditorio de Valladolid, more than 700 people attended. Pilar del Olmo, Economy and State Minister closed the act and she present the Honour Award to José Rebollo, President of Michelin Spain and Portugal.

Belén Martín, managing director of Alucoil, receives the Economic Castilla y León Award to the Best Director

The executive of Alucoil, Belén Martín, has been awarded with the Economic Castilla y León Award to the Best Director within the Export/Internationalization category.

The judge has recognized the work to the executive team, specifically to Belén Martín, together with the rest of workers, due to their efforts and compromise to place a full range of their advanced products which are dedicated to the construction, transport and industry field in more than sixty countries. Being remarkable also the presence of their own production plants in four continents: Europe, America, Africa and Oceania.

In the fourth edition of these Awards have been also awarded Carlos Tejedor (Queserías Entrepinares) in the category of Castilla y León Enterprise; María Berzosa (Grupo Europac) Multinational located in Castilla y León; Javier Cid (Alentia) in the Financial category; Fernando Villalba (Protos) in Comercial and Marketing category; Sonia Fajardo (Skretting España) in Human Resources category; José Luis Barredo (Crystal Pharma) in Research & Development category; Ángel Calleja (Bodega Cuatro Rayas) in Quality category; and Pilar López (Microsoft Ibérica) in Executive category of Castilla y León who success abroad.

As well, José Rebollo received the Honour Award to the Best Director, president of Michelin Spain and Portugal.

The IV Award to the Best Direct of Castilla y León is organized by the Economic Castilla y León magazine and it counts with the financial support of Vodafone and Bankinter and with the cooperation of Collosa, Industrias Maxi, Epunto Interim Management, Renault-Nissan Consulting and Ibecon.

In this edition 52 candidates were analized by a judge established by executives of sponsored companies, representatives of business associations from Castilla y León, the Junta de Castilla y León and the organizer magazine.
The Awards Ceremony is performed on 25th May in the Auditorio I of Feria de Valladolid at 19.15h

IBERFOIL receives the largest oven ever built in Spain

IBERFOIL Aragón, the aluminum foil rolling mill, part of the Alibérico Group, received today at its factory located in Sabiñánigo (Huesca) the largest furnace ever built in Spain for the annealing of aluminum coils, which will form part of the new production line.

The furnace will be able to house up to four coils of aluminum with a total maximum weight of 46 tons. Its capacity is 30% higher than any other similar furnace that exists in Spain in this type of aluminum rolling process.

The design and construction of this kiln, first of the two contracted by IBERFOIL Aragón, has been carried out by the Madrid company HEA, specialized in the design and production of high technology components for the aeronautical industry, and its manufacture has materialized in Zaragoza by the company Rapa Caldedería and Montajes.

The transport from Zaragoza to Sabiñánigo of this voluminous piece of 10 meters long, 4.70 meters wide and 4 meters high, has been made in a special vehicle of 26 meters long, which has required the deployment of a special device Coordinated by the Traffic Police.

IBERFOIL is currently facing a process of expansion of its facilities, which involves an investment of 15 million euros, with an objective of tripling its total production capacity, which currently stands at 20,000 tons per year. IBERFOIL will add another 40,000 tons to its current capacity, reaching a total of 60,000 tons per year of finished product.

“The reception of this piece represents a milestone for our company, which faces the final stretch of the enlargement process, and confirms the good rates of regeneration of industrial and economic activity in Spain,” says Clemente González Soler, president of IBERFOIL Aragón and the Alibérico Group.

IBERFOIL Aragón is part of Alibérico, the first Spanish private group and the first European family group manufacturer of semi-processed aluminum products, with a strategy based on the development of its own technology, a wide range of premium products and brands. It currently has factories on 4 continents and sells its products in more than 70 countries, in sectors as diverse as food, packaging, construction, transportation, industry and renewable energy

Biello Aragon Institute students visit IBERFOIL

Last Thursday, April 20th, students from Basic and Midway Electrician as well as Advanced Robotics degree programs visited the IBERFOIL factory located in Sabiñánigo. They were accompanied by qualified personnel, including the company’s General Manager, Ms. Aurora Rodríguez.

The visit was a perfect opportunity to train students in the production process of IBERFOIL and to learn about the multiple applications of aluminium foil, as well as the importance of using PPR (personal protective equipment).

IBERFOIL has designed a Human Resources policy based on bringing academia closer to the business world in order to train and select new personnel for future recruiting efforts that will be required with new investments that are taking place in the medium term. In particular, IBERFOIL plans to double its workforce with 100 new hires.

The IBERFOIL tour focused on the large rolling mills and the electrical control of the entire production process by visiting the electrical control rooms and transformers with the objective of showing a real application of what they are currently studying.

The visit concluded with the installation works of the new rolling mill “Edelweiss” that is being carried out at the moment. Teachers and students showed great interest in the company and its products and the visit was considered an excellent first contact with the professional world.

The President of the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the Economic and Finance Minister visit ALUCOIL

The last Thursday, March 30th, Juan Vicente Herrera, the President of the Regional Government of Castilla y León and Pilar del Olmo, the Economic and Finance Minister, visited ALUCOIL, which is ubicated in Miranda de Ebro, Burgos. Along the visit, they could verify in situ the up-to-date equipment and the high technological level of machines, where added value products as powder coating Termolac®, composite panels Larson®, honeycomb panels Larcore® and the range of aluminum mirrors Almirr® are manufactured. One of a kind production lines, designed and created with an own technology to manufacture products which are commercialized in more than 60 countries.

It is noteworthy that 20 years ago, in 1977, Juan Vicente Herrera attended the inauguration and start-up of the first production line of ALUCOIL, in the role of representative of PP in the Castilla and León Regional Parliament, therefore and during the recent visit, the incredible growth and progress that ALUCOIL has experimented in these two decades could be checked. Today ALUCOIL counts with 10 production lines in Miranda de Ebro, 3 more abroad (Morocco, the United States and Australia) and another affiliated company, ALUCOIL Systems, located also in Miranda de Ebro. This growth confirms the permanent effort entrusted in productive capacities and extension on the range of products.

During the visit, Juan Vicente Herrera was conversing with several responsible and technics of each department, showing an important interest for the process and products of ALUCOIL.

Important steps in the start-up of “Edelweiss”, the new rolling mill of IBERFOIL

IBERFOIL continues to advance with its significant investment in new machinery to increase its production and product range of its plant located in Sabiñánigo.

Specifically, in view of the completion of the assembly and start-up of the new “Edelweiss” rolling mill of IBERFOIL, last Thursday April 6th, the top executives and managers of the 14 supplier companies who participated in the project from the design, construction, assembly and start-up of the new rolling mill. A team formed in total by 28 people who agreed to the planning of start-up dates and loading tests, which include mechanical, electrical and control equipment, among others.

The exceptional coordination between the different companies has been essential to be able to carry out the first tests at the end of next June of 2017 with the aim that the new rolling mill “Edelweiss” starts producing during next summer.

“Edelweiss” is the largest rolling mill in Spain for its maximum width of 1750 mm and will allow rolls from 6 mm thick to 0.2 mm, with a high level of flatness and thickness control. This investment will increase IBERFOIL’s production capacity by an additional 40,000 tonnes / year.

IBERFOIL inaugurates in the presence of the President of the Aragon Government the factory expansion

IBERFOIL has invested 15 million euros in the installation of the largest and most modern cold-rolling mill in Spain for aluminium coil and will increase its production capacity to 60,000 tons per year -from the current 20,000 tons-, that will expand its range of products to new applications and markets.

Iberfoil Aragón inaugurated last February 13th, with the presence of Javier Lambán, President of the Aragon Government, the expansion of its factory in Sabiñánigo (Huesca), which will triple its production capacity. Thanks to the new cold-rolling mill, which is the largest and most modern built in Spain for aluminum coils, Iberfoil will increase its production capacity to 60,000 tons per year – from the current 20,000 tons- and will expand its range of products to new markets.

The inauguration of the new production line, which started working in early January, was attended by more than a hundred guests, including regional and local authorities, customers and suppliers of the company. The official event agenda included a visit to the factory, led by Alibérico Group and Iberfoil President, Clemente González Soler, and Iberfoil General Manager, Aurora Rodríguez. The visit has been attended by the President of the Aragon Government, Javier Lambán; the Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment, Marta Gastón; the Minister of Citizenship and Social Rights, María Victoria Broto, and the Mayor of Sabiñánigo, Jesús Lasierra. Iberfoil acquired the assets (lands, buildings and machinery) of the former INASA in mid-2014, with the factory stopped and no workforce, and in just three and a half years has managed to increase production and generate more than 100 fixed-term positions, besides 250 indirect jobs created in Sabiñánigo region. At this moment, the factory works 24 hours a day, seven days a week and in five work shifts. The largest aluminium cold-rolling mill in Spain The expansion of Iberfoil factory has required an investment of 15 million euros throughout the years 2016 and 2017.

The key element of the new Iberfoil production line is the new cold-rolling mill, named Edelweiss and supplied by RDI-Fagor company. With a 1,750 mm width, it is the largest industrial machine of its kind existing in Spain. Its operating speed is 800 meters per minute and its production capacity is 40,000 aluminium coil tons per year up to 1,750 mm widths. Another feature that makes unique in Spain this cold-rolling mill is its ability to manufacture aluminium coils with thicknesses between 6 and 0.2 mm – so far, the three mills operating in the factory produce coil with 0.2 and 0.006 mm thicknesses, intended for flexible food packaging and pharmaceutical markets-. The new capacities of this cold-rolling mill will allow Iberfoil to expand the range of thicknesses and products to new applications, sectors and markets Like a curiosity, it should be point out that the new cold-rolling mill name, Edelweiss (flower of snow), follows the tradition of the names inspired by Pyrenees native flowers that name the other three rolling mills: Trebol, Cintia and Altea. Along with the new cold-rolling mill, a longitudinal cutting line with 250 meters per minute operating speed, two large annealing ovens up to 50 tons for aluminium temperature treatment and a roll grinder have been installed. Furthermore, the factory sheds have been expanded and electrical and electronic auxiliary equipment, compressed air, cooling water and fire services have been set up.

The President of Alibérico Group and Iberfoil, Clemente González Soler, stated that “this important financial investment will allow Iberfoil to increase its production, to diversify its product range and to gain market share, especially abroad. Overall, it will help us to boost our competitiveness and our growth. In little more than three and a half years, we have consolidated an industrial brand, Iberfoil Aragón, with a strong presence and international projection. We are especially proud of the drive of this industrial brand from Aragon and Spain to the rest of the world. Waging and supporting the industry is a guarantee of the economic and social territorial development”, he pointed out.

The President of the Aragon Government, Javier Lambán, also thanked the project managers for its expansion and stated that “Iberfoil factory in Sabiñánigo allows the creation of 100 fixed-term positions, 250 indirect jobs, besides converting Sabiñánigo plant in the largest and most modern cold-rolling mill for aluminum coil in Spain”. The President indicated that Iberfoil project helps to consolidate the industrial force of Sabiñánigo in Alto Aragón, contributing also to job generation in order to settle the population.

The President indicated that “the expansion of Iberfoil is in line with the capacity of Aragon to promote industrial projects like this that improve competitiveness, open new markets and generate wealth and employment. Our medium-term goal with projects like this is for Aragón to work on full employment,” he concluded.