
ALUCOIL participates in the “II Foro de Empleo y Empresas Miranda de Ebro”

This event counts with the presence of ALUCOIL by second year in a row.

ALUCOIL, Specialized in Advanced Material for Construction, Transport and Industry, attended the II Foro de Empleo y Empresas Miranda de Ebro, organized by FAE with the collaboration of the City Council of Miranda de Ebro, Fundación La Caixa and the University of Burgos on last 3rd October, Wednesday in Miranda de Ebro, where its headquarter is ubicated.

This second edition was celebrated in Pabellón Multiusos de Bayas where several companies were made an appointment, also ALUCOIL, which maintains its compromise with the city since its establishment in 1996. The company opened a stand where miles of visitors were attended, which was created with the aim of improving the employability combining companies, organizations and entities interested in knowing students, graduates and professionals searching new professional opportunities.

ALUCOIL, which continues with its strong bet of offering professional opportunities to young, received different candidatures of Engineering, Administration, International Trade, Production and Maintenance Service. With its presence in the event, the company shows its objective of being in contact with talents, called “Alusionados”, with Illusion and Pasion for the Aluminium.

ALUCOIL, engaged with People and Constantly Progress.


ALUCOIL, “Mirando al Futuro” of Miranda

ALUCOIL backs Miranda de Ebro through the patronaje of the Corporate Congress on next 24th October, in Miranda de Ebro.

ALUCOIL, Leader in Advanced Materials for the Building, Transport and Industry, sponsors “Mirando al Futuro”, the Corporate Congress for the economic development which will be celebrate on next 24th October in Teatro Apolo in Miranda de Ebro (Burgos).

Since the establishment of ALUCOIL in 1996, its supporting and investing in the city has been constant. This is the principal aim of the event, organized by the City Council of Miranda and in which national and multinational companies with growth intentions from different fields are congregated, trying to position Miranda in an ideal setting for the investment. The Congress counts with the patronage of ALUCOIL, which is constantly investing in Miranda by the extension of its facilities, the creation of jobs and new factories, as ALUCOIL Systems.

Several presentations and guided visits to the city will take place showing first-hand all the possibilities of the city to investors and companies. A perfect encounter in which ALUCOIL must be present.

ALUCOIL, Future Materials for Innovative Solutions.


ALUCOIL Systems presents its new website

With the new website and corporate video, ALUCOIL Systems begins its online presence to get closer to its customers.

ALUCOIL Systems, Specialist in Innovative Solutions for Transportation and Industry, has launched its new website to reinforce its online presence and be accessible to its current and potential customers.

The new website and corporate video bring together the know-how and experience of ALUCOIL Systems in the aluminium sector. With a modern factory located in Miranda de Ebro, the company satisfies the needs of Rail, Maritime and Land Transportation, as well as the Military Industry, Elevators and an infinite number of Industrial Applications, focusing its activity on machining, transforming and manufacturing components for these sectors.

With the new website, ALUCOIL Systems becomes more accessible to its clients, showing in a simple, clear and visual way all the transformation possibilities offered by its Advanced Materials: larson® aluminium composite panels and larcore® honeycomb panels.

ALUCOIL Systems, Innovation and cutting-edge Solutions.


ALUCOAT starts up the laboratory 4.0

ALUCOAT improves installations of R&D and Quality

ALUCOAT, European leader in coating aluminum coils between 20 and 500 microns, shows its commitment for innovation and continuous improvement with remodeling and expansion of its R&D and Quality laboratory, to continue satisfying the needs of the market and its customers.

The enlargement has doubled the capacity of the installations, which host the latest advances in technology and equipment for analysis, testing and quality control of coated aluminum that Alucoat develops. This improvement will successfully meet the requirements demanded by the markets they serve.

With the inauguration of a new laboratory, ALUCOAT is integrated into Industry 4.0. A reform that adds to the continuous improvement that performs the company to guarantee the satisfaction of its customers.

ALUCOAT, Innovation, Quality and Development of Last Generation.


Back to school with IBERFOIL

IBERFOIL aluminium is present in several products such as food packaging and beverage seals

The high quality of IBERFOIL products supplies a diversity of markets that gain relevance in September. With the back to school, IBERFOIL aluminium slips into the classrooms, present in products such as aluminium foil, ideal for wrapping the snacks of children, as well as in candies’ packaging, chocolates, sweets, dairy products and beverage seals such as liquid yoghurts, among other commodities.

All IBERFOIL products are manufactured to the highest quality standards so that they can later be transformed into flexible packaging. IBERFOIL aluminium is a highly hygienic material that prevents microbiological contact and does not generate odour or taste in food. And it is 100% recyclable!

But we can not only find IBERFOIL products in the food market, yet they are present in the heating and air conditioning systems of schools and institutes classrooms, as well as in many pharmaceutical products such as blisters of tablets, syrups lids, creams and pomades for children’s care.

IBERFOIL, Maximum Quality for the most demanding Clients.


Alibérico Food Packaging, the ideal of Trash Cooking

Alibérico Food Packaging containers are the perfect packaging for the gastronomic trend called Trash Cooking

Trash Cooking is a cooking technique that consists in utilizing the food that has been left over from other meals. A trend that bets on inventing new recipes with what we have not eaten, thus contributing to a more sustainable gastronomy.

Alibérico Food Packaging containers are the best solution for this trend. Our Aluminium containers do not alter taste or smell, are hygienic and offer total product protection, allowing maximum performance of the container, whether for baking, roasting, serving, heating or preserving, unleashing cooks’ creativity to reinvent traditional recipes.

Our In-House Technology and manufacturing lines, with high process speeds and equipped with modern computer vision and production control equipment, enable us to manufacture more than one billion containers per year with the strictest demands.

Alibérico Food Packaging, Quality and Cutting-Edge Innovation.


aluNID®, classified Non-Combustible Material

aluNID® honeycomb is classified as Non-Combustible Material A1 according to the Euroclasses

aluNID® has developed a non-combustible aluminium honeycomb core, classified according to the Euroclasses, according to UNE EN 13501, as A1: Non-Combustible Material.

The Euroclasses respond to system of classification, precision, and technified tests that provide the designer with additional information about materials, such as, for example, production of fumes and particules dripping, as well as their energetic potential. The combination of energy, fumes and drops gives rise to 40 Euroclasses. aluNID® is classified as A1, level at which those products are integrated that, in any phase of the fire, can contribute to do it, and therefore, more secure in terms of fire protection.

aluNID® supplies aluminium honeycomb core in any thickness and dimension that our customers need for manufacturing of composite panel, with record delivery times in our market.

aluNID®, high Quality for maximum Security.


larcore ® shines in Germany

ALUCOIL has introduced to more than 50.000 people the larcore ® Honeycomb Panel.

Hamburg has been the home to more than 2.000 professional in the naval sector during the international maritime trade, SMM, which took place from Tuesday, 04 September to Friday, 07 in Hamburg.

ALUCOIL’s Technical Department has presented all the advantages that the larcore ® Honeycomb Panel has, to all the assistants.

In that way, ALUCOIL opens September revealing its compromise with the Innovation and the highest Quality, developed by its superb I+D Department and its own passion for the constant progress.

ALUCOIL, avant-grade Quality for the Naval Sector.

ALUCOAT is integrated in the supply chain with its customers

The digitalization and automatization of orders allows to reduce administrative management times.

ALUCOAT, specialist in coated aluminum coils, shows its commitment to digitalization and continuous improvement through the automatisation of purchase orders, which are imported automatically to the company’s system, reducing time and administrative tasks. ALUCOAT avoids this way possible mistakes when registering orders, achieving a more efficient management for ALUCOAT and its customers.

Customers’ purchase orders are automatically exported from their systems and downloaded by ALUCOAT to be registered automatically as sales orders. Additionally, ALUCOAT has a system control in plant that label each order with the proper label formats that adapt to the needs of every customer. The labeling include product ID that are standardized by AECOC, QR Code that allows tracking from any mobile phone through SIGAConnect and for those customer who request it, an RFID tag for a remote management.

Moreover, this integration allows our systems, after the order being shipped, to automatically provide detail of manufactured coils, with their unique identification and weight to their customers. This entails an improvement so that customers can plan the consumption of each coil in their production processes before receiving them.

ALUCOAT, innovation and efficiency at your fingertips.


September, the month of larcore®

From 4th to 7th of September ALUCOIL will be at SMM 2018

ALUCOIL technical team has a new appointment this month. The most important international trade show from the Naval sector is taking place at Hamburg, Germany, from 4th to 7th of September. As in previous editions, ALUCOIL will travel to Germany to introduce aluminium honeycomb panel larcore® as a revolutionary material for naval sector.

This event brings together more than 50.000 professionals and more than 2.000 exhibitors from around the globe. ALUCOIL technical team, located at Stand 104 – Hall B5, will present its visitors larcore® honeycomb panel wide range products, as well as the advantages of its aplication in naval sector.

ALUCOIL, always there at most important fairs around the world.