Coated aluminium, our reason of being

Aluminium, the third most common element in the earth’s crust, has wide variety of properties: it is light, resistant to corrosion, good energy and heat conductor, odourless, impermeable, good reflector and 100% recyclable. These properties can be improved thanks to a special extra coating that improves its performance as well as its appearance.

At ALUCOAT we are experts in coating aluminium and adding excellent properties to this metal, which is part of our daily lives.
At ALUCOAT we are dedicated to lacquering aluminium liquid in thickness between 20 and 500 microns with a wide variety of coating specially designed for each application and final use.

With our R&D department focused on the innovation and development of new products, our lacquers provide aluminium with properties adapted to the end use to be given such as: resistant to corrosion, to U.V. rays, to sterilization to hydrophilic behaviour, heat sealing to various supports or even antibacterial properties.

Complying with extensive regulations applicable to each sector: FDA (protecting public health and guaranteeing the food safety and drugs), RoHs (guarantees the restriction of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic appliances), Reach (manages the risks that some substances or products may pose to health and the environment), EU 10/2011 (regulation on materials intended to come into contact with food), among others, satisfying the expectations and requirements of a wide variety of sectors, manufacturing and marketing customized solutions to each customer.

ALUCOAT, committed to our activity and our customers, health and well-being (SDG3)

ALUCOIL DESIGN 2.0, discover the new update!


ALUCOIL, manufacturer of advanced building materials, launches its new update of ALUCOIL DESIGN.

A year ago, ALUCOIL launched this tool to make available to the user the wide range of colours and finishes with which it works on its larson® and larcore® panels.

This useful tool for professionals dedicated to the building industry, allows you to get a real idea of how our finishes look when applied to buildings.

Together with the range of colours you have a technical sheet with all the details of the product, including in which materials they can be applied.  So, you can compare and choose more quickly and easily from your computer or mobile device.

The new update, more intuitive and navigable, have a new search box, where you can search for specific buildings, colours, architects or types of building.

One of its great advantages is that you can order samples and contact our sales representatives from the same website.

Doesn’t that sound good? Don’t wait to discover the new version!

Mohamed EL ALAMI new Chairman and CEO of Aluminium du Maroc

On June 29th, in Tangier, the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Aluminium du Maroc, the largest aluminium extrusion manufacturer in Morocco and the entire African continent, was held to approve the 2019 accounts and to appoint Mr. Mohamed EL ALAMI as the new Chairman and CEO. The Shareholders’ Meeting also confirmed Clemente González Soler, President of GRUPO ALIBERICO, as a member of its Board of Directors.

Aluminium du Maroc is a company listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange, with its main aluminium extrusion plant in Tangier and the shareholding of ALUCOIL S.A.


Granted by EFCL and ADEFAM, certifies that Aliberico work centres meet the requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing aimed at the control and prevention of Covid-19.

Madrid, June 30th. – Aliberico, the first Spanish and European family group that manufactures semi-processed aluminium products, has obtained the BSAFE certificate for its headquarters in Madrid and its various factories in Spain.

This seal, awarded by EFCL (Family Business Association of Castilla y León) and ADEFAM (Family Business Association of Madrid), certifies that Aliberico work centres comply with the requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing aimed at the control and prevention of Covid-19.

In this way, the central offices of Aliberico (Madrid) and the factories of Iberfoil (Sabiñánigo), RedBOND (Alicante), Aliberico Food Packaging (Madrid), Alucoat (Linares), Alucoil and Alintra Systems (Miranda), already have this certification that accredits them as “clean and safe” work spaces.

Since the beginning of March, when the Covid-19 health crisis broke out, Aliberico and all its factories have been adapting to the new situation with the implementation of strict protocols that have allowed them to maintain the supply to customers over time and protect employees.

Aliberico has made hygiene in its workplaces extreme by increasing cleaning and disinfection services both in open spaces and for shared use, using products recommended by the WHO. Likewise, it has established the minimum social distance in all work stations and made an effort to disseminate and train, supported by posters on the premises, to raise awareness of the new health and safety regulations.

Other measures implemented in the Group’s work centres have consisted of providing employees with all the necessary protective material, such as masks and hydro-alcoholic gel, and encouraging private transport, facilitating vehicle access to the factories.

KPMG is the entity in charge of auditing the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal.

Aliberico is a company that subscribes to the objective SDG 3 of the United Nations, in order to guarantee a healthy life and promote the well-being of citizens.

“Strengthening the protection and safety of our workers, suppliers and customers has been our main concern since the beginning of the pandemic. With this objective in mind, we have established strict health and safety protocols that have now been endorsed with BSAFE certification. However, their implementation in record time and in such an effective manner would not have been possible without the effort and commitment of our employees to continue providing the best service,” says Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico.

IBERFOIL invests in Industry, invests in Future

IBERFOIL continues working in the facilities of its new building, which will have more than 4.500 m2, where a new production line will be installed for tension leveller of aluminium coils that will continue to increase the quality and range of products to be able to enter new markets, especially in the sectors with more delicate aluminium thicknesses.

IBERFOIL, specialized in aluminium rolling, is committed to innovation, investing in infrastructure and industry (SDG 9), creating jobs and increasing its presence in an environment that is increasingly demanding and changing.

Many months of effort have gone into setting up this new project, so don’t miss out on how the process has evolved over all this time.

IBERFOIL, committed to a sustainable future full of opportunities.

ALIBERICO, more than ever, committed to the Environment

ALIBERICO‘s environmental and total quality policy, based on “zero waste“, recycling, sustainability and the use of the circular economy of aluminium, is in force in all its factories, which serve a global market of over 80 countries, placing them at the forefront in the sectors in which they operate.

All the companies that make up ALIBERICO comply with strict regulations and quality standards based on “eco-efficiency”, a set of practices carried out by the factories to reduce the environmental impact of production activities, in addition to recycling all surplus material and reintroducing it into the circular economy.

All the factories carry out their operations under the ISO 14.001 certification, which is the international standard for Environmental Management within the industry. At the same time, depending on the speciality of each factory, other specific certifications are added in order to guarantee the maximum quality of their products.

In a world that is increasingly aware of and involved with the environment, the demand for sustainable, reusable and recyclable products is booming. These are the characteristics of aluminium, the star product of the present and the future. 70% of the aluminium produced in the last 100 years is still in use or circulation, and the use of recycled aluminium saves 95% of energy.

ALIBERICO, committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) promotes health and well-being (SDG #3), invests in industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG #9), promotes sustainable cities and communities (SDG #11), and commits to sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG #12), in its action for the Climate (SDG #13).

Hidetech® Light, the new revolutionary installation system for larcore® 6mm panels

ALUCOIL with a 20 year experience on manufacturing cladding products has designed and launched a new very agile and fast installation system for the 6mm larcore® honeycomb panels.

ALUCOIL’s technical department has developed this system for the cladding of buildings offering a lightweight solution with panels of 4,19kg/m2 and with a fire class A2-S1, d0. The larcore® panels installed with the new Hidetech® LIGHT offer a unique solution for ventilated facades with a great rigidity, lightweight and one of the best fire classifications. It is also an ecological solution since all its materials are made of aluminium. The honeycomb core does not contain any mineral or plastic filler therefore is a 100% recycable and sustainable solution.

ALUCOIL has designed an exclusive web site for Hidetech® LIGHT  as the main source of information for professionals.

If you would like to know more, you can also send us an email to and our comercial and technical department will soon contact you.

ALUCOIL committed with a more technological future designing and offering innovation each day. 


On 11th June, ALIBERICO obtained the Safe and Clean Company certificate awarded by ADEFAM, the Association of Family Businesses in Madrid, which allows its employees to return to their offices with full security.

KPMG is responsible for verifying that the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal are considered to be hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing measures in accordance with the COVID-19 Management Policy of the Madrid Association of Family Businesses

ALIBERICO, adhering to the COVID-19 Management Policy, has facilitated all kinds of measures: preventive, detective and response, with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the risk of COVID-19 contagion among its workers, customers and related third parties.

Extreme hygiene measures, respect for the minimum social distance in all work stations, signs throughout the office with indications of the safety protocol, and providing new measures to reach the offices, as well as hydroalcoholic gel, masks and all the necessary material and instructions to mitigate the risk of incidents, have contributed to obtaining this certificate.

ALIBERICO always committed to health and welfare (SDG 3), thanks its employees for their efforts and their commitment and involvement in this new normality to continue providing the best service.


ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING in its continuous process of improvement, has developed a new bottom for its aluminium food containers making them more resistant.

In its constant commitment to quality, food safety and the protection of the environment, the aluminium with which ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING‘s containers are manufactured, has managed to exceed the quality standards of the UNE-EN ISO 9001, FSSC 22000 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 regulations. For this reason, another of the new container’s novelties is that the food safety mark appears on the bottom.

There is also the aluminium recycling symbol, which guarantees that it is a 100% recyclable product. This is because it is a material that by its nature has perfect and ideal properties for the reuse of the raw material without losing its properties during the process.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING always committed to innovation (SDG 9 ) and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).



Clemente González Soler, President of  Aliberico  has participated in the CEOE business summit, today dedicated to the industry and in which the most representative companies of the sector have collaborated to analyze the needs of Spain in order to get out of the COVID-19 crisis.

In his speech, Clemente González Soler highlighted the setback of the industry in Spain that during the last 50 years, has lost 20 points of the GDP in contrast to the rest of the western countries. “It is necessary to recover the weight of the industry on the GDP, because the industry offers a more stable work, of greater qualification, contributes much more export and R&D“.

A country’s economy is what its businesses are“. The companies are responsible for the productivity and the administrations of the environment. With productivity and a good environment we will manage to be a more competitive Spain,” said the President of Aliberico.

In the closing of his speech, he stressed the need for in-house production of aluminium in Spain, which has gone from having five aluminium raw material plants to just one, with aluminium being a material increasingly consumed per capita and present in our daily lives: transport, facades, insulation, food and pharmacy, among others.

We must make Spain one of the most attractive nations in the world to invest in, visit and live in. Without a strong industry it will be difficult to survive. Industry guarantees the economic development of the country,” concluded Clemente González Soler.