The Group plans to build a new, fully digitized and sustainable plant in 2021 to increase the export of its RedBOND composite panels.

Madrid, November 20th – Aliberico, the leading Spanish and European family group manufacturing semi-processed aluminium products, chaired by Clemente González Soler, has closed the purchase of land from Repsol in Alicante, located in Avenida de Elche, to build its second factory in this city.

Aliberico already has a factory in Alicante belonging to its subsidiary, RedBOND Composites, which was created in 2012 with the start-up of a production line for aluminium panels for digital printing. In 2018 a second manufacturing line was installed, built with in-house technology, to expand its production capacity and diversify its product range, achieving in terms of dimmensions the largest panels on the market. The company manufactures products specially designed for digital printing and corporate image and its quality is recognized and approved by the main printer manufacturers worldwide.

The acquisition of this land and the construction of the new factory reflects the growth that this company has experinced, investing in industry and innovation and achieving agreements with the most important European distributors in the sector and with a clear international vocation, exporting more than 95% of its production.

On the land acquired from Repsol, Aliberico will build a new plant in 2021, adjacent to its current facilities, which will consist of an industrial building of 7,500 square meters specially designed to reach the American markets, especially the United States where the Group already has a presence through its subsidiary Alucoil North America, which owns a plant of 81,000m2 in South Carolina.

Despite the difficult situation of global crisis, Aliberico continues to invest in industry and innovation. The design and construction of this new plant will be based on an efficient and sustainable building with a high level of digitalization.


We are food
We are beverages
We are pharmacy
We are building
We are refrigeration
We are isolates
We are innovation
We are advanced technology
We are quality
We are customer service
We are sustainability
We are commitment
We are passion

We design tailor-made solutions for each customer. We are ALUCOAT.

ALUCOIL MARINE, with larcore® panels, contributes to the construction of the first fast gas-powered ferry in the world.

On September 18th, the new “Fast – Ferry” of the company BALEARIA, the catamaran ship Eleanor Roosvelt, was launched.

Built by Astilleros Armón, in Gijón, this fast ferry is 123 meters long and 28 meters wide. It is built entirely in aluminium and is the first in the world to be powered by liquid gas, a great advance in the care of the environment and the marine environment.

ALUCOIL, manufacturer of advanced materials for building, industry and transport, has supplied, through OLIVER DESIGN, the company responsible for the interior fitting out, larcore® panels in different finishes, which have been installed in the bulkheads, ceilings and doors of the different interior areas of the ship.

larcore® is a sandwich panel with an aluminium honeycomb core, formed in a continuous industrial process and certified according to the international IMO MED standards for its application in the naval sector. It is an extremely light and resistant material and its excellent properties make it easy to machine and perfect for naval applications. In addition, it is very rigid, and resistant to tension and compression loads.

This is how ALUCOIL, in its commitment to industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) contributes to the creation of more sustainable and pioneering ships in the market.

ALUCOIL MARINE, advanced solutions for maritime transport.

aluNID®, 3/8”cell drilled honeycomb core

aluNID® has developed a 3/8 ”cell drilled aluminium honeycomb core. A new configuration that, without losing its characteristics of resistance to fire and corrosion, improves the stability and lightness of the product, while optimizing air circulation in composite panels.

With this new product, aluNID® Drilled, a totally new, flexible and resistant honeycomb is available for sale, conceived for interior design systems, as well as for air flow systems in ventilated panels.

The aluNID® honeycomb core is manufactured with the most advanced technologies, innovating day after day, and improving the efficiency of our products.

aluNID®, in continuous development with market advances (SDG 9).

ALUCOAT, aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminium between 20 and 500 microns develop actions in its daily activity to collaborate with Sustainable Development Goals.

The activity of our plant, like any other industrial activity, generates waste. From the aluminium lacquering process, all the residues that are generates are properly treated, thus preventing the proliferation of unmanaged waste and residues, and thus avoiding the contamination of the water resources of our ecosystem by leaks and/or possible spills (SDG 6).

Moreover, aware of caring for the planet and optimization of resources, an Energy Management System ISO 50.001, has been implemented in the plant, whose objective is to reduce the consumption of the energy supply, as well as the increase in renewable energies and the reduction of CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere (SDG 12).

All these actions form part of our Good Environmental and Energy Practices where we show not only the procedures that must be complied with by law, but also a list of improvements that guarantee compliance and good work of ALUCOAT.

ALUCOATcommitted with the environment and natural resources. Fighting for the future of the planet and the well-being of future generations (SDG 13).


This 4th edition of the forum, a meeting point for enterprises, entities and organizations interested in knowing jobseekers, will be by virtual due to the Covid-19 situation.

Next Wednesday 21st October, in the website and other companies will introduce themselves as well as the profiles looking for them. Additional information about more companies and a mailbox to receive CVs will also be available.

In this way and being adapted to the actual situation, the mentioned forum and all the companies on it are constantly betting for Miranda and its residents, creating new opportunities, encouraging the employment and  training (SDG 9).

Aluminium, the safest material against coronavirus

The new COVID-19 virus that is hitting the entire world has had a huge impact on our daily lives. In order to prevent it from spreading further, we must keep an eye on the health and safety measures recommended by the WHO.

In February 2020, in the renowned newspaper “The Journal of Hospital Infection”, a scientific trial was published which was aimed at studying the durability of the coronavirus on different surfaces such as: plastic, wood, glass, aluminium, paper, latex and PVC among others.

The study, which can be read in (I), concludes that, taking an equal temperature for all surfaces, for example 21ºC, aluminium is the surface where the virus persists the least, with a “resistance” of between 2 and 8 hours, well below the other surfaces studied where the virus “resists” from 2 to 6 days.

It also indicates that, in order to avoid the transmission of the virus, it is essential to constantly follow cleaning and hygienic habits of the surfaces with disinfectant products based on a specific chemical composition and the constant washing of hands and use of gels with alcohol, measures to be followed indicated by the WHO.

Aluminium is therefore a material with a very low virus persistence index, it is safer than other materials against COVID-19 and, following the measures indicated by the WHO, it does not have a significant impact on the transmission of the virus.

Alibérico has always promoted and designed aluminium products due to their high performance, their infinite recyclability and now as a safer material against COVID-19.26

Source: (I)


The powder coating designed by ALUCOIL for laminated products:
    • It is of high quality.
    • It has an advanced composition, allowing to bend it at 0T (180º) without cracking.
    • It allows to lacquer both coils and sheets without altering the flatness of the product.
    • It has excellent weather resistance and anti-corrosion behaviour, with a guarantee of up to 10 years.
    • Its use has a low environmental impact.
    • It is one of the best coatings in the building, industry and transport sectors.

If you would like a sample, please contact us!

linfoil®, preserves your food and takes care of you

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminium coils, offers, within its wide range of products, linfoil®, a material that is used for the manufacture of lids in the food sector and that complies with European regulations, as well as FDA for direct contact with food.

With linfoil®, ALUCOAT guarantees the best conservation of the lids thanks to the quality and durability of the lacquered aluminium. This, together with its excellent sealing properties, compared to plastic, has very good printability so that the designs are fully customisable according to each customer’s specifications.

In addition, thanks to its high resistance to light, heat or cold and humidity, it prevents food from coming into contact with external agents that could modify its properties or taste. This makes linfoil® the most versatile, customisable and sustainable solution because the aluminium is a 100% recyclable material.

With different thermosealing options, linfoil® is the ideal solution for the manufacture of lids for dairy products, like milk, pâté or jam packaging, among others. Within the range of solutions that ALUCOAT offers, you can find:

It also has some special products for those foods that, due to their composition, require special properties, being resistant to the usual sterilization processes in the food industry such as:

ALUCOAT, always committed to innovation (SDG 9), quality and good service.

aluNID®, inside the pharmaceutical industry and new hospital areas

Thanks to the most advanced technologies in the aluminium market, aluNID® offers its clients in the pharmaceutical and hospital building sectors the best components, providing its exclusive honeycomb core to the main manufacturers of composite panels for clean rooms, laboratories and buildings hospitals in Europe.

At hospital, and pharmaceutical environments, cleaning and disinfection is essential to ensure that the tools and products they use are not contaminated and are safe.
aluNID® provides lightness, safety and quality, playing a fundamental role in all areas of the new pharmaceutical industry and new hospital areas.

The use of aluNID® honeycomb core panels in clean rooms is becoming more and more common; its impermeability, lightness and resistance make it an essential element for these highly sensitive environments. In addition, its assembly is very simple and fast, which speeds up the installation process and does not delay construction times.

aluNID® guarantees safe and efficient systems for new sanitary constructions (SDG 3).