Insulax IP+, sandwich panels with guaranteed safety and hygiene

In these difficult moments we live in, there is nothing more important than guaranteeing hygiene conditions in those places in which preventing the proliferation of bacteria is very important for health and well-being of citizens.

There are sectors such as the pharmaceutical, health or food where hygiene is essential to guarantee that the products or services that are consumed are not harmful to health.

These sectors count with Insulax IP+, lacquered aluminium for the production of sandwich panels with a special antibacterial coating, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria with a 99% of efficiency according to JIS Z2801-2010/ISO 22196.

It can also be found in interior thermal insulation of roofs, false ceiling for buildings, industrial plants, livestock facilities and in the production of ventilation ducts.

With the option to supply smooth or embossed finish, our Insulax IP+, is suitable for PIR/PUR foam and becomes the ideal solution for those customers interested in offering a quality product with antibacterial properties.

Thanks to Insulax IP+, our customers can produce insulation that guarantees their safety with light, resistant and safe sandwich panels.

ALUCOAT, providing safe and quality solutions.

#WemustNOTStop #ThiswillEND

ALIBERICO, more than ever, is with you every day. In these difficult moments, more than ever, we want to be closer to you. We work to take care of you every day.

We adapt ourselves to the new situation with maximum protection to our employees, continuing our activity and supplying all our customers. Reinventing ourselves and developing products to meet new needs.

The aluminium of ALIBERICO is in your everyday life, in your cooking containers, pharmacy blister packs, in your building or even in your nearest supermarket. Enhancing the economy and defending jobs.

That’s why ALIBERICO cannot stop #WemustNOTSTOP #ThiswillEND

Courage, Strength, We keep on going Take care, Go ahead!

#WemustNOTStop #ThiswillEND

Aliberico supports and helps essential sectors in the health crisis

ALIBERICO, a Spanish industrial and technological group specialized in the manufacture of advanced aluminum materials is supporting and helping the pharmaceutical and food sectors in this health crisis we are experiencing through its subsidiaries Iberfoil, Alucoat and Alibérico Food Packaging.

IBERFOIL, specialized in the lamination of thin aluminium foil for the pharmaceutical and food industry and for beverage caps from 6 to 70/000 microns is present in the packaging of many recognized brands in the pharmaceutical sector for both antibiotics and drugs in sachets or tablets. It is also very present in the food sector supplying aluminium to the main companies manufacturing dairy desserts.

ALUCOAT specialises in lacquering aluminium between 20 and 500 microns thick reaches many hospitals, health centres and pharmacies every day in the form of vials for injectable medicines, syrup closures and blister packs. We can also find it on containers and lids of well-known brands, such as custards, lasagnes, margarines and jams, curds, or chocolate creams.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, specialized in high quality semi-rigid aluminium packaging systems for food, reaches a multitude of supermarket chains and the homes of end consumers on a daily basis. We can find it in dessert food containers, baking and frozen food containers, ready-to-go and pre-cooked food, pet food containers and containers for the transport of food from catering chains.

Working at full capacity, ALIBERICO is helping the pharmaceutical and food sectors so that there is no lack of supply and helping us to get out of this crisis as quickly as possible without lacking in basic goods.

ALIBERICO thanks its workers for their efforts and dedication in these difficult times.

New HIDETECH® LIGHT installation system

If you are looking for different results, do not do the same thing. That is why ALUCOIL has always been committed to developing new finishes, products and improvements, innovating in the installation systems of its metal panels for facade cladding.

Within this philosophy, at a time when it is more necessary than ever to provide the best in everyone, ALUCOIL presents the new Hidetech® LIGHT installation system designed for 6mm larcore® A2 panels.

This new system is made up of 4.19 kg/m2 panels with a fire classification of A2-s1, d0, making it the perfect solution for lightweight facades, but with greater rigidity and unbeatable fire performance.

It is designed to take advantage of manufacturing dimensions of up to 2000 mm wide and 8000 mm long.

Thanks to this innovative system, the percentage of tasks in the workshop is increased and it is shortened on site to allow better quality control. By reducing the use of substructure, it minimizes and saves assembly times. For this reason, all installers are provided with the necessary tools for its execution.

Now all that remains is to choose the modulation, the finish of the façade from the hundreds available and whether you want the solution to be ventilated or watertight. ALUCOIL and its trusted network of installers will take care of the rest.

IBERFOIL becomes an ASI member

The Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a certification and standards setting organization that recognizes and encourages responsible aluminium production, sourcing and management. This global initiative, which aims to support members of responsible supply chains such as IBERFOIL, is the result of producers, users and stakeholders coming together to create a “responsible aluminium” agreement.

The certification according to the ASI Performance Standard defines 59 principles, such as factory management, business integrity, transparency, materials management, environmental care, CO2 emissions or labor rights.

These requirements, fulfilled by the factory, lead to the ASI certification, which is an environmental, social and management guarantee for the customers.

IBERFOIL as a member of “Production and Transformation” is committed to achieve the ASI Performance Standard certification for at least one facility or product line. To do so, it has two years from its appointment as an ASI member.

IBERFOIL is committed to the SDG: affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) and climate action (SDG 13).


Do you know all the uses and properties of aluminium for food packaging?

Aluminium is one of the raw materials that exist in nature, which per se, has unique properties that make it a superior material for food preservation.

Aluminium is easily mouldable, malleable and lightweight, resists high temperatures far better than any other material and withstands moisture and corrosion exemplarily. This allows the food preservation process to be the most durable on the market and the one that has the least impact on the final food as this raw material does not produce odours or emit chemical substances that could damage preservation.

With ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING containers you can cook, freeze, transport, bake and serve all in the same container!

Moreover, they are 100% recyclable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. During the recycling process none of the properties of aluminium are lost, so its circular economy is profitable and efficient. It can be reused countless times.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING packaging is a safe bet now and in the future.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is the only company located in Madrid that provides aluminium packaging for food.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, committed to sustainable cities and communities (ODS 11).

ALUCOAT, specialist in aluminium lacquering for Pharmacy and Food

The aluminium, endowed with enormous advantages over other material, is ideal for its application in pharma industry for example, we can find it in capsules wrappers, blíster packs and caps or membranes to protect syrups.

Thanks to its resistance to high temperatures and its great adaptability to extreme humidity and corrosion conditions, pharmaceutical products preserved with aluminium guarantee the perfect conservation of the medicine.
Its impermeability prevents them from coming into contact with any external agent that may alter its composition.

This reason makes it the perfect partner in the food industry because it allows food to be kept in perfect conditions much longer than if than if others materials were used. Which it involves that the day of expiry is longer.  Likewise, it does not emit chemical substances or odours, the taste of the final product is not altered or contaminated.

Another of the huge advantages of this noble raw material is that it can be reused infinite times without being affected its properties.

Its profitable, sustainable and efficient circular economy makes it a smart and safe bet both in the present and in the future.

ALUCOAT lacquered aluminium coils are present in the food industry and pharmaceutical sector.

ALUCOAT is one of the main suppliers in these sectors, guaranteeing the highest quality.

ALUCOAT, committed to sustainable communities and cities (SDG 9).

IBERFOIL aluminium, the best bet

The aluminium is one of the most noble raw materials that exist. It is used in a daily way and, probably, it is not known the great versatility of its uses, for example, we find it in the streets, buildings, transport, offices, houses, conservation of food products, packages…

The properties it inherently possesses, compared with other materials, makes it a safe bet both in the present and in the future. It is lightweight, malleable, mouldable, and highly resistant to high temperatures, humidity and corrosion. It is 100% recycled and regardless of the number of times it is reused, it does not lose any of its properties during the process. This means that its circular economy is infinite.

IBERFOIL bets for the aluminium, the applications of its coils in the different sectors are:

  • Food sector: They are used to create containers, food lids, flexible packaging, pet food, tetra brik
    They protect the food from external agents by keeping it intact. Aluminium does not produce odours or flavours, it keeps cold or heat and is light-resistant, keeping food in perfect condition for longer, allowing its expiry date to be longer.
  • Pharmaceutical and cosmetic sector: with the coils it’s possible to manufacture general packaging for medicines such as blister packs, envelopes for medicines (paracetamol ) caps with a high breaking load (cold form), protective film for creams or make-up.
  • Industrial sector and air conditioningIBERFOIL coils ensure thermal resistance, reflecting up to 95% of radiant heat, which makes them a perfect insulation material for industrial use. Likewise, thanks to the malleability and adaptation of aluminium, they are also used in the manufacture of air conditioning equipment.
  • They are suitable for the closure of drinks such as shakes or wine bottles, are waterproof and protect against spillage thanks to their heat-sealing properties.

IBERFOIhas registered as an ASI member, implementing sustainable and socially responsible measures

IBERFOIL committed to responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) in the framework of climate action (SDG 13).

Waterfin® 700, smart energy eficiency for heat exchangers

The heat exchanger is an essential component that allows heat transfer between fluids in HVAC, refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

In order for the air conditioning equipment to work properly, they have aluminium sheets inside them called fins that are crossed by tubes thanks to them the coolant circulates and whose mission is to promote the heat  exchange.

ALUCOAT manufactures waterfin®, the coated aluminium coil for the production of fins for heat exchangers.

Our range of products waterfin®, has hydrophilic properties that avoid the production of ice bridges, making them the smartest choice for manufacturing air conditioning.

With two different versions, waterfin® 100  the standard solution while waterfin® 700 the perfect solution for environments where greater corrosion resistance is required, being able to assure more than 1.000 hours of resistance to acetic salt spray test. This is the most sustainable version with the best energy management. For special cases, you can have the option to increase even more the corrosion resistance thanks to our treatment Alucoat®  Prelac.

All these characteristics make the equipment manufactured with waterfin® 700 the most efficient on the market.

Efficiency and efficacy come together in one term, Alucoat.

ALUCOAT manufactures materials for affordable and clean energy (SDG7) in the framework of climate action (SDG 13).



The floating roofs used in the oil industry are special because they require very large dimensions and they move (up or down) depending on the volume of oil stored in order to avoid explosions, and the correct release of gases, for this, it is necessary that the materials of the floating ceilings are light, hard and resistant.

The roofs made with honeycomb panels are especially indicated for those cases in which due to meteorological, geographical or chemical factors they are exposed to: high percentages of humidity, corrosion or conditions that require materials with very specific characteristics in resistance and durability such and as it happens in the oil industry.

The aluNID® Honeycomb alloy makes the panels more resistant to both moisture and corrosion. Also, thanks to its structure and modular construction, which in addition to being light, it is highly durable and resistant, make the honeycomb the perfect bet in the installation of floating ceilings.

They are ideal for storing fluids such as petroleum, refined products, chemicals, or natural gas products thanks to their non-combustibility and simplicity of assembly.

Always meeting the highest requirements and demands in the sector, aluNID® offers the creation of innovative ceiling systems, perfect to offer you the highest quality for your industrial projects.

aluNID®, by promoting affordable energy (SDG7), improves the security of oil and derivatives storage tanks day by day.