Einträge von Marketing

Hidetech® LIGHT, das neue und revolutionäre Fassadensystem für larcore® 6mm

ALUCOIL, Hersteller von fortschrittlichen Materialien mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Bauindustrie hat ein neues effizienteres und schnell montierbares Fassadensystem für seine fortschrittlichen Fassadenplatten larcore® 6mm entwickelt. Das von ALUCOIL für Fassadenverkleidungen konzipierte System profitiert von den hervorragenden Eigenschaften der Platten: extrem geringes Gewicht von nur 4.19kg/m² und Brandklassifizierung A2,s1,d0. Das neue System larcore® […]


On 11th June, ALIBERICO obtained the Safe and Clean Company certificate awarded by ADEFAM, the Association of Family Businesses in Madrid, which allows its employees to return to their offices with full security. KPMG is responsible for verifying that the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal are considered to […]


ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING in its continuous process of improvement, has developed a new bottom for its aluminium food containers making them more resistant. In its constant commitment to quality, food safety and the protection of the environment, the aluminium with which ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING’s containers are manufactured, has managed to exceed the quality standards of […]


INDUSTRY SHOULD BE THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND SPAIN’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY Clemente González Soler, President of  Aliberico  has participated in the CEOE business summit, today dedicated to the industry and in which the most representative companies of the sector have collaborated to analyze the needs of Spain in order to get out of the COVID-19 crisis. […]

aluNID® reinforces its international presence and interacts with a new market: United States of America

Thanks to the constant effort and development of the latest technologies available on the market, aluNID® reaches the United States, offering excellent solutions in various sectors. aluNID®, a specialist in the manufacture of honeycomb core panels, is present in various sectors, thanks to the versatility that this product has, and can be found in many applications. In the industrial […]

High quality lids for product preservation

IBERFOIL’s aluminium, submitted to the highest standards and quality regulation, are the best solution for the lids of the beverages that we use every day. Due to its high resistance, to its unequalled properties of waterproofing and heat-sealing, they keep your drinks fresh during the summer, as well as, guaranteeing the maximum security for the consumer, preserving the product without generating any smell […]

Alucoat® Prelac, safety and comittment for food industry

ALUCOAT, specialist in the production of lacquered aluminum coils, has in its range of products the exclusive preteatment Alucoat® Prelac, that provides excellent properties for food industry. Alucoat® Prelac, is a state-of-the-art system for chemically degreasing and pretreating aluminum. 100% Chrome free and specialized in aluminum strips, improves corrosion resistance and the adherence of all types of coating. It […]

aluNID® 100% environmentally friendly with recyclable aluminium

In a world that is constantly advancing and developing, where the well-being of our environment and sustainability are essential, aluNID® stands out for its commitment to the environment, always complying with the most demanding norms and standards in the sector. aluNID®, works with more than 50% recycled aluminium, achieving much more sustainable production and significant energy savings in its […]