Einträge von Marketing


Dieses Forum ist als ein Platz des Treffens zwischen Unternehmen, Körperschaften und Organisationen konzipiert, die daran interessiert sind, Arbeitssuchende zu treffen, die eine neue Beschäftigungsmöglichkeit suchen, und feiert dieses Jahr seines viertes Jubiläum. Dieses Jahr wird es jedoch aufgrund des COVID-19 mit einem anderen Ansatz und virtuell abgehalten. Am Mittwoch 21 Oktober wird in der […]

Aluminium, the safest material against coronavirus

The new COVID-19 virus that is hitting the entire world has had a huge impact on our daily lives. In order to prevent it from spreading further, we must keep an eye on the health and safety measures recommended by the WHO. In February 2020, in the renowned newspaper „The Journal of Hospital Infection“, a […]


The powder coating designed by ALUCOIL for laminated products: It is of high quality. It has an advanced composition, allowing to bend it at 0T (180º) without cracking. It allows to lacquer both coils and sheets without altering the flatness of the product. It has excellent weather resistance and anti-corrosion behaviour, with a guarantee of up […]

linfoil®, preserves your food and takes care of you

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminium coils, offers, within its wide range of products, linfoil®, a material that is used for the manufacture of lids in the food sector and that complies with European regulations, as well as FDA for direct contact with food. With linfoil®, ALUCOAT guarantees the best conservation of the lids thanks to […]

aluNID®, inside the pharmaceutical industry and new hospital areas

Thanks to the most advanced technologies in the aluminium market, aluNID® offers its clients in the pharmaceutical and hospital building sectors the best components, providing its exclusive honeycomb core to the main manufacturers of composite panels for clean rooms, laboratories and buildings hospitals in Europe. At hospital, and pharmaceutical environments, cleaning and disinfection is essential […]

termolac® präsentiert sein neues Video!

termolac® ist die von ALUCOIL entwickelte hochwertige Pulverbeschichtung für laminierte Produkte. Dank seiner fortschrittlichen Qualität und Zusammensetzung sind Bänder, Bleche und Platten biz zur  180º kantfähig , ohne dass die Farbe reißt. termolac®, verbindet hohe Belastbarkeitseigenschaften mit hervorragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und verändert die Planheit der Produkte nicht. All dies, zusammen mit seiner unbegrenzten Farbpalette, macht […]


With the new website, IBERFOIL modernizes and gets closer to its customers. IBERFOIL, a rolling mill plant, specialized in the manufacture of thin aluminium sheet, launches its new website, modern and intuitive, to strengthen its online presence and to be able to offer all the updated information of the factory, getting closer to the current customers as […]

Recovered façades thanks to larson® panels

Nowadays, the value and updating of properties are highly increased by the building restoration. Taking the advantages of versality and adaptability of the larson® panels for any project, they become in the best solution to do that, being no necessary to modify the structure of buildings. Furthermore, they offer the largest range of colors available […]

IBERFOIL, Committed to the enviroment

Taking a look back and comparing society’s awareness with the environment, it is clear that right now society is much more committed and concerned about caring for the planet, many patterns of behaviour have changed such as the incessant search for less polluting energies and the continuous commitment to materials that have less impact on the environment and can be […]

AIRFIN®, the best choice for heat exchangers

Air conditioning equipment requires components that resist its continuous exposure to the environment, changes in temperatures cold/heat and in some situations corrosive environments that can reduce its useful life. For this reason, ALUCOAT has developed the range AIRFIN®, for the production of fins for heat exchangers, which improves the benefits of air conditioning equipment thanks […]